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FilteredItemsSourceProvider Members

A data provider that supplies suggestions for the AutoCompleteEdit and AutoCompleteColumn in sync mode.


Name Description
FilteredItemsSourceProvider() Initializes a new instance of the FilteredItemsSourceProvider class.


Name Description
FilterComparisonTypeProperty static Identifies the FilterComparisonType dependency property.
FilterMembersProperty static Identifies the FilterMembers dependency property.
FilterModeProperty static Identifies the FilterMode dependency property.
SuggestionsSourceProperty static Identifies the SuggestionsSource dependency property.


Name Description
FilterComparisonType Gets or sets a value that specifies how to compare the entered text with suggestions in the collection.
FilterMembers Gets or sets a comma-separated list of data fields to search.
FilterMode Gets or sets the operator (starts with, contains, etc.) used to compare suggestions in the collection with the entered text.
SuggestionsSource Gets or sets the collection of suggestions to be filtered.
See Also