FilterChipGroup Properties
A chip group that allows users to select multiple chips.
Name | Description |
Box |
Gets or sets whether chips in this group are filled or outlined.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are in the normal state.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border color for chips when they are in the normal state.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border thickness for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Check icon.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the color of the Check icon for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets a corner radius for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Check icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets a command executed when a user double-taps a chip in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets whether the font used to display text is bold, italic, or unmodified.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the font face for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the font size for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the indent of the icon from text for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon size.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets whether chips in this group display an icon.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps and holds a chip in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets an amount of space around chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Check icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets a command executed when a user clicks the Remove icon in a chip in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets whether chip icons in this group are rounded.
Inherited from Chip |
Chips |
Provides access to the collection of chips displayed in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are selected.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are selected.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are selected and disabled.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are selected and disabled.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are selected and disabled.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group when they are selected and disabled.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group when they are selected and disabled.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are selected.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets the text color for selected chips in this group.
Inherited from Selectable |
Chip |
Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps a chip in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Chip |
Gets or sets whether a ripple effect is used when a user (un)selects a chip in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Display |
Gets or sets the data field that specifies the text displayed in chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Horizontal |
Gets or sets the horizontal amount of space between chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Icon |
Gets or sets the data field that specifies the icon displayed in chips in this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Is |
Gets or sets whether chips in this group are displayed in single or multiple lines.
Inherited from Chip |
Is |
Gets or sets whether the scroll bar is displayed.
Inherited from Chip |
Is |
Gets or sets the data source field that stores chip selection states.
Inherited from Selectable |
Items |
Gets or sets a data source that contains chips for this group. Use the Display |
Padding |
Gets or sets the amount of space around this group.
Inherited from Chip |
Selected |
Provides access to the selected chips. |
Selected |
Gets or sets the indexes of the selected chips. |
Selected |
Provides access to the view models used to generate the selected chips in this group. |
Selection |
Gets or sets a command executed when a user (un)selects a chip in this group.
Inherited from Selectable |
Vertical |
Gets or sets the vertical amount of space between chips in this group when they are arranged in multiple rows.
Inherited from Chip |
See Also