DateEdit Events
An editor that displays a date in a specific format. Users can select a date within a cross-platform customizable date picker.Name | Description |
ClearIconClicked | Occurs when a user taps the clear icon. Inherited from EditBase. |
Completed | Occurs when a user taps the ‘Return’ button of the keyboard. Inherited from EditBase. |
DateChanged | Fires when the Date property value changes. |
DateIconClicked | Fires when the date icon is clicked. |
DoubleTap | Fires when the user double taps the editor. Inherited from EditBase. |
EndIconClicked | Occurs when a user taps the trailing icon. Inherited from EditBase. |
ErrorIconClicked | Occurs when a user taps the error icon. Inherited from EditBase. |
LongPress | Fires when the user presses and holds the editor. Inherited from EditBase. |
PickerCustomDayCellStyle | Allows you to customize days in the default picker. |
PickerCustomDayOfWeekCellStyle | Allows you to customize days of the week in the default picker. |
PickerCustomMonthCellStyle | Allows you to customize months in the default picker. |
PickerCustomYearCellStyle | Allows you to customize years in the default picker. |
PickerDisableDate | Allows you to disable a specific date in the default picker. |
StartIconClicked | Occurs when a user taps the leading icon. Inherited from EditBase. |
Tap | Fires when the user taps the editor. Inherited from EditBase. |
See Also