DXCalendar Fields
A cross-platform customizable calendar.Name | Description |
ActiveViewTypeProperty static | Identifies the ActiveViewType dependency property. |
CellMinSizeProperty static | Identifies the CellMinSize dependency property. |
DayCellStyleProperty static | Identifies the DayCellStyle dependency property. |
DayCellTemplateProperty static | Identifies the DayCellTemplate dependency property. |
DayOfWeekCellStyleProperty static | Identifies the DayOfWeekCellStyle dependency property. |
DayOfWeekCellTemplateProperty static | Identifies the DayOfWeekCellTemplate dependency property. |
DisplayDateProperty static | Identifies the DisplayDate dependency property. |
FirstDayOfWeekProperty static | Identifies the FirstDayOfWeek dependency property. |
HeaderStyleProperty static | Identifies the HeaderStyle dependency property. |
HorizontalCellSpacingProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalCellSpacing dependency property. |
MaxDateProperty static | Identifies the MaxDate dependency property. |
MinDateProperty static | Identifies the MinDate dependency property. |
MonthCellStyleProperty static | Identifies the MonthCellStyle dependency property. |
MonthCellTemplateProperty static | Identifies the MonthCellTemplate dependency property. |
PaddingProperty static | Identifies the Padding dependency property. |
SelectedDateChangedCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDateChangedCommandParameter dependency property. |
SelectedDateChangedCommandProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDateChangedCommand dependency property. |
SelectedDateProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDate dependency property. |
ShowTrailingDaysProperty static | Identifies the ShowTrailingDays dependency property. |
VerticalCellSpacingProperty static | Identifies the VerticalCellSpacing dependency property. |
YearCellStyleProperty static | Identifies the YearCellStyle dependency property. |
YearCellTemplateProperty static | Identifies the YearCellTemplate dependency property. |
See Also