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ChipGroup Properties

A base class for chip groups.
Name Description
BoxMode Gets or sets whether chips in this group are filled or outlined.
ChipBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are in the normal state.
ChipBorderColor Gets or sets the border color for chips when they are in the normal state.
ChipBorderThickness Gets or sets the border thickness for chips in this group.
ChipCheckIcon Gets or sets the Check icon.
ChipCheckIconColor Gets or sets the color of the Check icon for chips in this group.
ChipCornerRadius Gets or sets a corner radius for chips in this group.
ChipDisabledBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDisabledBorderColor Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDisabledCheckIconColor Gets or sets the Check icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDisabledIconColor Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDisabledTextColor Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group when they are disabled.
ChipDoubleTapCommand Gets or sets a command executed when a user double-taps a chip in this group.
ChipFontAttributes Gets or sets whether the font used to display text is bold, italic, or unmodified.
ChipFontFamily Gets or sets the font face for chips in this group.
ChipFontSize Gets or sets the font size for chips in this group.
ChipIconColor Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group.
ChipIconIndent Gets or sets the indent of the icon from text for chips in this group.
ChipIconSize Gets or sets the icon size.
ChipIsIconVisible Gets or sets whether chips in this group display an icon.
ChipLongPressCommand Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps and holds a chip in this group.
ChipPadding Gets or sets an amount of space around chips in this group.
ChipPressedBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipPressedBorderColor Gets or sets the border color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipPressedCheckIconColor Gets or sets the Check icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipPressedIconColor Gets or sets the icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipPressedRemoveIconColor Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipPressedTextColor Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group when they are pressed.
ChipRemoveIcon Gets or sets the Remove icon.
ChipRemoveIconClickedCommand Gets or sets a command executed when a user clicks the Remove icon in a chip in this group.
ChipRemoveIconColor Gets or sets the Remove icon color for chips in this group.
ChipRoundedIcon Gets or sets whether chip icons in this group are rounded.
Chips Provides access to the collection of chips displayed in this group.
ChipTapCommand Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps a chip in this group.
ChipTextColor Gets or sets the text color for chips in this group.
ChipUseRippleEffect Gets or sets whether a ripple effect is used when a user (un)selects a chip in this group.
DisplayMember Gets or sets the data field that specifies the text displayed in chips in this group.
HorizontalSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal amount of space between chips in this group.
IconMember Gets or sets the data field that specifies the icon displayed in chips in this group.
IsMultiline Gets or sets whether chips in this group are displayed in single or multiple lines.
IsScrollBarVisible Gets or sets whether the scroll bar is displayed.
ItemsSource Gets or sets a data source that contains chips for this group. Use the DisplayMember and IconMember properties to specify data source fields that contain the text and icon for chips.
Padding Gets or sets the amount of space around this group.
VerticalSpacing Gets or sets the vertical amount of space between chips in this group when they are arranged in multiple rows.
See Also