Chip Fields
A chip that allows users to trigger an action.Name | Description |
BorderColorProperty static | Identifies the BorderColor dependency property. |
BorderThicknessProperty static | Identifies the BorderThickness dependency property. |
CheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the CheckIconColor dependency property. |
CheckIconProperty static | Identifies the CheckIcon dependency property. |
CornerRadiusProperty static | Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property. |
DisabledBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledBackgroundColor dependency property. |
DisabledBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledBorderColor dependency property. |
DisabledCheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledCheckIconColor dependency property. |
DisabledIconColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledIconColor dependency property. |
DisabledRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledRemoveIconColor dependency property. |
DisabledTextColorProperty static | Identifies the DisabledTextColor dependency property. |
DoubleTapCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the DoubleTapCommandParameter dependency property. |
DoubleTapCommandProperty static | Identifies the DoubleTapCommand dependency property. |
FontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the FontAttributes dependency property. |
FontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the FontFamily dependency property. |
FontSizeProperty static | Identifies the FontSize dependency property. |
IconColorProperty static | Identifies the IconColor dependency property. |
IconIndentProperty static | Identifies the IconIndent dependency property. |
IconProperty static | Identifies the Icon dependency property. |
IconSizeProperty static | Identifies the IconSize dependency property. |
IsCheckIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsCheckIconVisible dependency property. |
IsIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsIconVisible dependency property. |
IsRemoveIconVisibleProperty static | Identifies the IsRemoveIconVisible dependency property. |
IsSelectedProperty static | Identifies the IsSelected dependency property. |
LongPressCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the LongPressCommandParameter dependency property. |
LongPressCommandProperty static | Identifies the LongPressCommand dependency property. |
PaddingProperty static | Identifies the Padding dependency property. |
PressedBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedBackgroundColor dependency property. |
PressedBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedBorderColor dependency property. |
PressedCheckIconColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedCheckIconColor dependency property. |
PressedIconColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedIconColor dependency property. |
PressedRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedRemoveIconColor dependency property. |
PressedTextColorProperty static | Identifies the PressedTextColor dependency property. |
RemoveIconClickedCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the RemoveIconClickedCommandParameter dependency property. |
RemoveIconClickedCommandProperty static | Identifies the RemoveIconClickedCommand dependency property. |
RemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the RemoveIconColor dependency property. |
RemoveIconProperty static | Identifies the RemoveIcon dependency property. |
RoundedIconProperty static | Identifies the RoundedIcon dependency property. |
SelectedBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedBackgroundColor dependency property. |
SelectedBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedBorderColor dependency property. |
SelectedDisabledBackgroundColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDisabledBackgroundColor dependency property. |
SelectedDisabledBorderColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDisabledBorderColor dependency property. |
SelectedDisabledIconColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDisabledIconColor dependency property. |
SelectedDisabledRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDisabledRemoveIconColor dependency property. |
SelectedDisabledTextColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedDisabledTextColor dependency property. |
SelectedIconColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedIconColor dependency property. |
SelectedRemoveIconColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedRemoveIconColor dependency property. |
SelectedTextColorProperty static | Identifies the SelectedTextColor dependency property. |
SelectionChangedCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the SelectionChangedCommandParameter dependency property. |
SelectionChangedCommandProperty static | Identifies the SelectionChangedCommand dependency property. |
TapCommandParameterProperty static | Identifies the TapCommandParameter dependency property. |
TapCommandProperty static | Identifies the TapCommand dependency property. |
TextColorProperty static | Identifies the TextColor dependency property. |
TextProperty static | Identifies the Text dependency property. |
UseRippleEffectProperty static | Identifies the UseRippleEffect dependency property. |
See Also