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CheckEdit Members

A checkbox that supports the indeterminate state.


Name Description
CheckEdit() Initializes a new instance of the CheckEdit class.


Name Description
AllowIndeterminateInputProperty static Identifies the AllowIndeterminateInput dependency property.
CheckBoxAlignmentProperty static Identifies the CheckBoxAlignment dependency property.
CheckBoxColorProperty static Identifies the CheckBoxColor dependency property.
CheckBoxIndentProperty static Identifies the CheckBoxIndent dependency property.
CheckBoxPositionProperty static Identifies the CheckBoxPosition dependency property.
CheckedCheckBoxColorProperty static Identifies the CheckedCheckBoxColor dependency property.
CheckedCheckBoxImageProperty static Identifies the CheckedCheckBoxImage dependency property.
DisabledCheckBoxColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledCheckBoxColor dependency property.
DisabledCheckedCheckBoxColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledCheckedCheckBoxColor dependency property.
DisabledLabelColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledLabelColor dependency property.
IndeterminateCheckBoxImageProperty static Identifies the IndeterminateCheckBoxImage dependency property.
IsCheckedProperty static Identifies the IsChecked dependency property.
LabelColorProperty static Identifies the LabelColor dependency property.
LabelFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the LabelFontAttributes dependency property.
LabelFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the LabelFontFamily dependency property.
LabelFontSizeProperty static Identifies the LabelFontSize dependency property.
LabelHorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the LabelHorizontalAlignment dependency property.
LabelProperty static Identifies the Label dependency property.
LabelTextDecorationsProperty static Identifies the LabelTextDecorations dependency property.
LabelVerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the LabelVerticalAlignment dependency property.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding dependency property.
UncheckedCheckBoxImageProperty static Identifies the UncheckedCheckBoxImage dependency property.


Name Description
AllowIndeterminateInput Gets or sets whether a user can set the editor to the indeterminate state.
CheckBoxAlignment Gets or sets the vertical or horizontal alignment of the checkbox.
CheckBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the checkbox in the unchecked state.
CheckBoxIndent Gets or sets the indent of the checkbox from the label.
CheckBoxPosition Gets or sets whether the checkbox is at the left, right, top, or bottom side of the parent layout.
CheckedCheckBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the checkbox in the checked state.
CheckedCheckBoxImage Gets or sets the checkbox icon in the checked state.
DisabledCheckBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the checkbox in the disabled unchecked state.
DisabledCheckedCheckBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the checkbox in the disabled checked state.
DisabledLabelColor Gets or sets the color of the label in the disabled state.
IndeterminateCheckBoxImage Gets or sets the checkbox icon in the indeterminate state.
IsChecked Gets or sets whether the checkbox is checked.
Label Gets or sets the text displayed next to the checkbox.
LabelColor Gets or sets the color of the label.
LabelFontAttributes Gets or sets whether the font used to render the label is italic, bold, both, or neither.
LabelFontFamily Gets or sets the name of the font used to render the label.
LabelFontSize Gets or sets the size of the font used to render the label.
LabelHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the label.
LabelTextDecorations Allows you to underline and/or cross out the label text.
LabelVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the label.
UncheckedCheckBoxImage Gets or sets the checkbox icon in the unchecked state.


Name Description
CheckedChanged Raises when the IsChecked property value changes.
See Also