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DXCollectionView Members

A collection view.


Name Description
DXCollectionView() Initializes a new instance of the DXCollectionView class.


Name Description
AllowCascadeUpdateProperty static Identifies the AllowCascadeUpdate dependency property.
AllowDragDropItemsProperty static Identifies the AllowDragDropItems dependency property.
AllowDragDropSortedItemsProperty static Identifies the AllowDragDropSortedItems dependency property.
AllowGroupCollapseProperty static Identifies the AllowGroupCollapse dependency property.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the DisplayFormat dependency property.
DisplayMemberProperty static Identifies the DisplayMember dependency property.
FilterExpressionProperty static Identifies the FilterExpression dependency property.
FilterStringProperty static Identifies the FilterString dependency property.
GroupDescriptionProperty static Identifies the GroupDescription dependency property.
GroupHeaderSizeProperty static Identifies the GroupHeaderSize dependency property.
GroupHeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the GroupHeaderTemplate dependency property.
IndicatorColorProperty static Identifies the IndicatorColor dependency property.
IsLoadMoreEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsLoadMoreEnabled dependency property.
IsPullToRefreshEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsPullToRefreshEnabled dependency property.
IsRefreshingProperty static Identifies the IsRefreshing dependency property.
IsScrollBarVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsScrollBarVisible dependency property.
IsUpdateLockedProperty static Identifies the IsUpdateLocked dependency property.
ItemSizeProperty static Identifies the ItemSize dependency property.
ItemSpacingProperty static Identifies the ItemSpacing dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property.
ItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the ItemTemplate dependency property.
LoadMoreCommandProperty static Identifies the LoadMoreCommand dependency property.
MinGroupHeaderSizeProperty static Identifies the MinGroupHeaderSize dependency property.
MinItemSizeProperty static Identifies the MinItemSize dependency property.
OrientationProperty static Identifies the Orientation dependency property.
PullToRefreshCommandProperty static Identifies the PullToRefreshCommand dependency property.
ReduceSizeToContentProperty static Identifies the ReduceSizeToContent dependency property.
SelectedItemProperty static Identifies the SelectedItem dependency property.
SelectedItemsProperty static Identifies the SelectedItems dependency property.
SelectedItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the SelectedItemTemplate dependency property.
SelectionModeProperty static Identifies the SelectionMode dependency property.
TapCommandProperty static Identifies the TapCommand dependency property.


Name Description
AllowCascadeUpdate Gets or sets whether the CollectionView performs deferred data loading while a user scrolls items.
AllowDragDropItems Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop items within the view.
AllowDragDropSortedItems Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop items that are sorted or grouped.
AllowGroupCollapse Specifies whether users can collapse and expand groups of items.
DisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format list items.
DisplayMember Gets or sets the name of the data source’s field whose values are displayed as list items.
FilterExpression Gets or sets the CollectionView’s filter expression.
FilterString Gets or sets the CollectionView’s filter expression string.
GroupCount Gets the number of data item groups in a CollectionView.
GroupDescription Specifies how to group data items in the view.
GroupHeaderSize Gets or sets a group header’s height (for the vertical orientation of the view) or width (for the horizontal orientation).
GroupHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the appearance of group headers.
IndicatorColor Gets or sets the color of the load-more (iOS and Android) and pull-to-refresh (iOS only) indicators.
IsLoadMoreEnabled Gets or sets whether the load-more functionality is enabled in the CollectionView.
IsPullToRefreshEnabled Gets or sets whether the pull-to-refresh functionality is enabled in the CollectionView.
IsRefreshing Allows you to hide the refresh or load indicator that the collection view displays when executing the pull-to-refresh or load-more operation.
IsScrollBarVisible Gets or sets whether the scrollbar is displayed in the view.
ItemCount Gets the number of data items in the view.
ItemSize Gets or sets a data item’s height (for vertical orientation of the view) or width (for horizontal orientation).
ItemsSource Gets or sets the CollectionView’s data source.
ItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the appearance of list items.
LoadMoreCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user scrolls to the last item in the CollectionView to load new data items.
MinGroupHeaderSize Gets or sets a group header’s minimum height (for the vertical orientation of the view) or width (for the horizontal orientation).
MinItemSize Gets or sets a data item’s minimum height (vertical orientation) or width (horizontal orientation).
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the CollectionView.
PullToRefreshCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user pulls the CollectionView down to request content update.
ReduceSizeToContent Gets or sets whether the collection view reduces its overall size to occupy the minimum space needed for its data items.
SelectedItem Gets or sets the selected item when the SelectionMode property is set to Single.
SelectedItems Gets or sets selected items when the SelectionMode property is set to Multiple.
SelectedItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the appearance of an item selected in the view.
SelectionMode Specifies whether and how many items can be selected in the view.
SortDescriptions Specifies how to sort data items in the view.
VisibleItemCount Gets the total number of items displayed in the view.


Name Description
CollapseAllGroups() Collapses all groups of items.
CollapseGroup(Int32) Collapses the specified group of items.
ExpandAllGroups() Expands all groups of items.
ExpandGroup(Int32) Expands the specified group of items.
GetChildItemCount(Int32) Returns the number of data items in the group.
GetChildItemHandle(Int32, Int32) Returns the handle of the item at the specified position within the specified group.
GetGroupValue(Int32) Returns the data value for which the group is created.
GetItem(Int32) Returns an object that specifies a record in the CollectionView’s underlying data source.
GetItemHandleByVisibleIndex(Int32) Returns the handle of the item by its visible index.
GetVisibleIndexByItemHandle(Int32) Returns the visible index of the item by its handle.
IsGroupCollapsed(Int32) Indicates whether the specified group of items is collapsed.
IsGroupHeader(Int32) Checks whether the specified item is a group header.
MoveItem(Int32, Int32, Action, Boolean)
ScrollTo(Int32) Scrolls the view to make the specified item visible.


Name Description
CompleteItemDragDrop Occurs after the drag-and-drop operation is completed.
DragItem Occurs when a user touches and holds an item to drag it.
DragItemOver Occurs each time an item is dragged over another item.
DropItem Occurs when a user drops an item.
GroupCollapsed Occurs after a group of items has been collapsed.
GroupCollapsing Occurs before a group of items is collapsed.
GroupExpanded Occurs after a group of items has been expanded.
GroupExpanding Occurs before a group of items is expanded.
LoadMore Occurs when a user scrolls to the last item in the CollectionView to load new data items.
PullToRefresh Occurs when a user pulls the CollectionView down to refresh its content.
SelectionChanged Occurs when the item selection is changed.
Tap Occurs when a user taps the view.
See Also