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DXCollectionView Events

A collection view.
Name Description
CompleteItemDragDrop Occurs after the drag-and-drop operation is completed.
DragItem Occurs when a user touches and holds an item to drag it.
DragItemOver Occurs each time an item is dragged over another item.
DropItem Occurs when a user drops an item.
GroupCollapsed Occurs after a group of items has been collapsed.
GroupCollapsing Occurs before a group of items is collapsed.
GroupExpanded Occurs after a group of items has been expanded.
GroupExpanding Occurs before a group of items is expanded.
LoadMore Occurs when a user scrolls to the last item in the CollectionView to load new data items.
PullToRefresh Occurs when a user pulls the CollectionView down to refresh its content.
SelectionChanged Occurs when the item selection is changed.
Tap Occurs when a user taps the view.
See Also