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Pie Chart

  • 3 minutes to read

The DevExpress PieChart allows you to visualize your data in a Pie (Circular) chart. The image below represents a Pie chart and highlights its major elements.

Chart with highlighted elements

This guide contains the descriptions of specific operations that can be performed with the PieChart.

How to: Modify chart series

The Chart visualizes data the series provides. Each series defines data appearance and behavior. Series, compatible with the Pie chart inherit the PieSeries class.


Note that chart should be populated with data. Refer to the Series guide for more information.

The following code shows how to add a series to a chart:

PieDataAdapter adapter = new PieDataAdapter();
adapter.add("Asia", 30.13);
adapter.add("Australia", 12.68);
adapter.add("Europe", 21.44);
adapter.add("N. America", 24.06);
adapter.add("S. America", 11.68);

PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries();
pieSeries.setDisplayName("Sales Comparison");


// ...
public class PieDataAdapter implements PieSeriesData {
    private List<String> arguments;
    private List<Double> values;

    public PieDataAdapter() {
        arguments = new ArrayList<>();
        values = new ArrayList<>();
    public void add(String arg, Double val) {
    public int getDataCount() { return arguments.size(); }
    public String getLabel(int index) { return arguments.get(index); }
    public double getValue(int index) { return values.get(index); }

The following table contains methods allowing you to obtain, add or remove series of the chart:

Method Description
PieChart.getSeries() Returns the array of series that the chart displays.
PieChart.addSeries(PieSeries) Adds the specified new series to the chart.
PieChart.removeSeries(PieSeries) Removes the specified series from the chart.
PieChart.removeSeries(int) Removes a series at the specified index from the chart.

How to: Configure a chart legend

The Legend identifies series in a chart. The following example demonstrates the basic legend configuration:

Legend legend = new Legend();

The table below contains the main methods for configuring the legend:

Method Description
ChartBase.getLegend() Returns the chart legend‘s options.
ChartBase.setLegend(Legend) Specifies the chart legend‘s options.
Legend The legend of the chart.

Refer to the Legend guide for more information about legend configuration.

How to: Change chart appearance

Appearance of all chart elements including the Pie Chart can be changed using styles. The following image demonstrates which chart parameters can be styled:

Styleable parameters

The following code snippet demonstrates how to obtain the image above:

PieChartStyle pieChartStyle = new PieChartStyle();
pieChartStyle.setPalette(new int[] {0xff60a69f, 0xff78b6d9, 0xff6682bb, 0xffa37182, 0xffeeba69});

The following symbols allow you to configure chart style:

Symbol Description
PieChart.getStyle() Returns the Pie chart’s style.
PieChart.setStyle(PieChartStyle) Specifies the Pie chart’s style.
PieChartStyle The Pie chart appearance settings storage.