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.NET MAUI Form Items - Edit Text and Boolean Values

  • 2 minutes to read

DevExpress Form Items for MAUI allow users to edit text and Boolean values.

Edit Boolean Values

You can use the following Form Items to edit Boolean values: FormSwitchItem and FormCheckItem.

DevExpress FormItem for MAUI -- Edit Boolean

The following code snippet shows how to use FormSwitchItem and FormCheckItem controls to emulate the screenshot above:

    <VerticalStackLayout Padding="20,0" Spacing="10">
        <dxe:FormGroupItem Header="Chat Notifications">
            <dxe:FormSwitchItem ImageSource="priv" IsToggled="{Binding IsPrivateChatEnabled}" Text="Private Chat"/>
            <dxe:FormCheckItem ImageSource="group" IsChecked="{Binding IsGroupChatEnabled}" Text="Group Chat" />

Edit Text in a Separate Form

If you want to edit text associated with a form item, you can create an editor on a separate page. Users can tap the form item to navigate to the page with the editor.

DevExpress FormItem for MAUI -- Edit Text

Advantages of a separate form:

  • Users can edit multi-line text.
  • You can leave input prompts without cluttering the main page’s UI.
  • Users can save changes on the edit page for each individual setting.

The following code snippet shows how to respond to user taps on a form item to open a separate form. For this purpose, you can use AllowTap and TapCommand properties. You also need to bind the Text property to the editor value.

    <VerticalStackLayout Padding="20,0" Spacing="10">
            // ...
                            TapCommand="{Binding EditBioCommand}" 
                            Text="{Binding Bio, Mode=OneWay}"
                            ... />

You can use the MultilineEdit control to edit form item text in a separate form.

        <ToolbarItem Clicked="OnAccept" IconImageSource="check_icon" />
        <dxe:MultilineEdit  x:Name="bioEditor"
                            HelpText="Add a few words about yourself" 
                            MaxCharacterCount="100" />

You also need to update the form item with the newly entered value after a user taps the corresponding toolbar icon.

using DevExpress.Maui.Editors;

namespace FormItemExample.Views;

[QueryProperty(nameof(Settings), "Settings")]
public partial class EditBioPage : ContentPage
    SettingsViewModel settings;
    public SettingsViewModel Settings {
        get => this.settings;
        set {
            this.settings = value;
            this.bioEditor.Text = value.Bio;

    public EditBioPage()

    private void OnAccept(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Settings.Bio = this.bioEditor.Text;

    private void bioEditor_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e) {

Refer to the following example for more information:

View Example: DevExpress Form Items for .NET MAUI