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ViewerApiExtensionOptions Interface

Provides options for customizing the ViewerApiExtension.


export interface ViewerApiExtensionOptions




onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring before the dashboard title toolbar is updated.


onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated?: (args: DashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: DashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the dashboard title toolbar is updated.


You can handle the DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event to customize the dashboard title. For instance, you can add custom command buttons, create additional menus, add static texts, etc. The DashboardItemCaptionToolbarOptions class contains options used to customize a dashboard title’s elements (the ViewerToolbarItem objects).

The following example shows how to add a toolbar item to the dashboard title. The code snippet below creates a custom button with a popup menu. The DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event is used to customize the dashboard title. The button belongs to the actionItems collection and is displayed on the right (like the Export To and Parameters buttons).

The image below shows the result:

extensions: {
    'viewerApi': {
        onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated: function (e) {
                icon: 'grayTriangle',
                type: "menu",            
                menu: {
                    title: 'Custom Menu',
                    type: 'list',
                    items: ['First Item', 'Second Item', 'Third Item'],
                    selectionMode: 'single',
                    itemClick: function (itemData, itemElement, index) {

onItemActionAvailabilityChanged Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring after the available interactivity actions have changed for the specific dashboard item.


onItemActionAvailabilityChanged?: (args: ItemActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed after the available interactivity actions have changed for the specific dashboard item.

onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring before the dashboard item caption toolbar is updated.


onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated?: (args: ItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the dashboard item caption toolbar is updated.


You can handle the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event to customize the dashboard item’s caption. For instance, you can add custom command buttons, create additional menus, add static texts, etc. The DashboardItemCaptionToolbarOptions class contains options used to customize a dashboard item caption’s elements (the ViewerToolbarItem objects).

The following example shows how to add a toolbar item to the dashboard item caption. The code snippet below creates a custom button with a popup menu for the Chart dashboard item. The ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event is used to customize the dashboard item caption. The button belongs to the actionItems collection and is displayed only when the mouse pointer hovers over the dashboard item caption. The popup menu contains three icon elements.

The image below shows the result:

extensions: {
  "viewerApi": {
      onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated: function (e) {
        if (e.itemName === "chartDashboardItem1") {
            type: "menu",
            icon: "baseCircle",
            menu: {
              type: "icons",
              items: ["greenCircle","yellowCircle","redCircle"],
              selectionMode: "none",
              title: "Circles",
              itemClick: function (itemData, itemElement, index) {

onItemClick Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring when an end-user clicks a dashboard item.


onItemClick?: (args: ItemClickEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemClickEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when an end-user clicks a dashboard item.

onItemDrillDownStateChanged Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring when a drill-down/drill-up is performed.


onItemDrillDownStateChanged?: (args: ItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when a drill-down is performed.


The ItemDrillDownStateChanged event is raised when an end-user performs drill-down or drill-up in a certain dashboard item. To determine the component name of this dashboard item, use the ItemName event parameter. Other event parameters include the following:


onItemElementCustomColor Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to color the required dashboard item elements using the specified colors.


onItemElementCustomColor?: (args: ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemElementCustomColorEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when coloring the required dashboard item elements.

onItemMasterFilterStateChanged Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring when the master filter state is changed.


onItemMasterFilterStateChanged?: (args: ItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the master filter state is changed.

onItemSelectionChanged Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring after the selection within the dashboard item is changed.


onItemSelectionChanged?: (args: ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed after the selection within the dashboard item is changed.

onItemVisualInteractivity Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting.


onItemVisualInteractivity?: (args: ItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when you provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting.


The code snippet below shows how to add custom interactivity to dashboards:

View Example

onItemWidgetCreated Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.


onItemWidgetCreated?: (args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the client widget is created.


The Web Dashboard uses DevExtreme widgets to visualize dashboard items’ data. The onItemWidgetCreated property allows you to access these widgets and customize their settings. See Access to Underlying Widgets for details.

The ItemWidgetEventArgs.itemName property returns the component name of the dashboard item whose widget you can customize. Use the ItemWidgetEventArgs.getWidget property to access the corresponding underlying widget.

When the dashboard item is re-rendered, all events connected to dashboard item’s life cycle (onItemWidget…) are fired again.


The onItemWidgetCreated event is not fired for a custom dashboard item.

See Also

onItemWidgetOptionsPrepared Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets and configure their options.


onItemWidgetOptionsPrepared?: (args: ItemWidgetOptionEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemWidgetOptionEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed before the client widget is prepared.


Use the DashboardItemBaseEventArgs.dashboardItem property to get the dashboard item for which the event is raised. The options property provides access to its underlying widget’s options.

onItemWidgetUpdated Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.


onItemWidgetUpdated?: (args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the client widget is updated.


The Web Dashboard uses DevExtreme widgets to visualize dashboard items’ data. The onItemWidgetCreated property allows you to access these widgets and customize their settings. See Access to Underlying Widgets for details.

The ItemWidgetEventArgs.itemName property returns the component name of the dashboard item whose widget you can customize. Use the ItemWidgetEventArgs.getWidget property to access the corresponding underlying widget.

When the dashboard item is re-rendered, all events connected to dashboard item’s life cycle (onItemWidget…) are fired again.


The onItemWidgetUpdated event is not fired for a custom dashboard item.

See Also

onItemWidgetUpdating Property

Specifies a handler for the event allowing you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.


onItemWidgetUpdating?: (args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: ItemWidgetEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the client widget is about to be updated.


The Web Dashboard uses DevExtreme widgets to visualize dashboard items’ data. The onItemWidgetCreated property allows you to access these widgets and customize their settings. See Access to Underlying Widgets for details.

The ItemWidgetEventArgs.itemName property returns the component name of the dashboard item whose widget can be customized. Use the ItemWidgetEventArgs.getWidget property to access the corresponding underlying widget.

When the dashboard item is re-rendered, all events connected to dashboard item’s life cycle (onItemWidget…) are fired again.


The onItemWidgetUpdating event is not fired for a custom dashboard item.

See Also

onSelectedTabPageChanged Property

Specifies a handler for the event occurring when the selected tab page is changed.


onSelectedTabPageChanged?: (args: SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs) => void

Property Value

Type Description
(args: SelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs) => void

A function that is executed when the selected tab page is changed.