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Providing Maps for Geo Point Maps

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic describes how to use default DevExpress Dashboard maps and configure their attributes for Geo Point Maps.

#Default Maps

The DevExpress Dashboard ships with a set of default maps that shows various parts of the world. The following maps are included:

  • World Countries
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America
  • Africa
  • USA
  • Canada

The World Countries map has a lower level of detail than maps of specific regions and may not contain all of the countries. As an alternative, you can load a custom map with required granularity.

To select a default map, go to the Options menu and select a map from the list located in the Common section.

Web Dashboard - Change a predefined map

#Custom Maps

You can load custom maps in a Shapefile vector format. This format includes two file types:

.shp file
This file holds map shapes (points/lines/polygons).
.dbf file
This file contains attributes for each shape.

To load a custom map, go to the Common section of the Options menu and select the Custom option from the map list:


The next step is to load shape data. Use one of the options:


Use this option to specify the path to the .shp file. The Map item loads attributes for each shape from the corresponding .dbf file if the file is in the same directory.

Web Dashboard - Load a custom map using a URL


Select this option to load the existing shapefile. Use the Custom Map File option to load a map file: click the ellipsis button and locate the .shp file. The Custom Attribute File option is used to load the .dbf file with attributes for each shape.

Web Dashboard - Load a custom map using a file

If you load a shapefile as a file, the shapefile is saved to the dashboard definition. If the .shp file is too large, it can take longer time to load the dashboard. In such cases, we recommend that you do not to include the shapefile file in the dashboard definition and use the URL option instead.

Note that custom maps created in the Cartesian coordinate system are not supported.