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IDropDownBox Members

An interface that defines the DxDropDownBox component’s API members (properties and methods).


Name Description
ClearButtonDisplayMode Specifies whether the editor displays the Clear button when the editor is not empty.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the DropDownBox component.
DropDownBodyCssClass Assign a CSS class to the drop-down body in DxDropDownBox.
DropDownBodyTemplate Specifies a template for the drop-down window’s body.
DropDownCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s drop-down window.
DropDownDirection Specifies the direction in which the drop-down window is displayed relative to the editor’s input element.
DropDownFooterTemplate Specifies a template for the drop-down window’s footer.
DropDownHeaderTemplate Specifies a template for the drop-down window’s header.
DropDownVisible Specifies the current state (displayed/hidden) of a drop-down window.
DropDownWidthMode Specifies the width of the drop-down window.
EditBoxDisplayTemplate Specifies the template used to display edit box content.
Enabled Specifies whether the editor is enabled.
Id Specifies the control’s unique identifier.
InputCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s input.
InputId Specifies a unique identifier (ID) of the editor’s input element.
NullText Specifies the prompt text displayed in the editor when its value is null or when the display text is not specified.
ReadOnly Specifies whether the read-only mode is active.
ShowDropDownButton Specifies whether the editor displays the built-in button that invokes a drop-down window.
ShowValidationIcon Specifies whether the editor shows a validation icon.
SizeMode Specifies the size mode of the component and its inner components.
Value Specifies the editor value.


Name Description
BeginUpdate() Along with the EndUpdate() method, allows you to modify editor property values outside the component’s markup.
EndUpdate() Along with the BeginUpdate() method, allows you to modify editor property values outside the component’s markup.
FocusAsync() Moves focus to the DxDropDownBox component.
GetDisplayText() Returns a text defined by the QueryDisplayText function.
HideDropDown() Hides the editor’s drop-down window.
ShowDropDown() Displays the editor’s drop-down window.
See Also