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DxSchedulerTimelineView.ResourceHeaderCellTemplate Property

Specifies the template for resource header cells in the Scheduler.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment<SchedulerResourceHeaderCellInfo> ResourceHeaderCellTemplate { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The resource header cell template.


This template accepts a SchedulerResourceHeaderCellInfo object as the context parameter. You can use the parameter’s Intervals property to get intervals to which the cell belongs. The parameter’s Resource property specifies the resource associated with the cell or contains an empty resource item if no resource is assigned.

The following example makes resource headers bold:

<DxScheduler StartDate="@DateTime.Today"
        <DxSchedulerTimelineView Duration="TimeSpan.FromDays(2)">
                <DxSchedulerTimeScale Unit="SchedulerTimeScaleUnit.Day"></DxSchedulerTimeScale>
                <div class="" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;">

@code {
    DxSchedulerDataStorage DataStorage = new DxSchedulerDataStorage() {
        AppointmentsSource = ResourceAppointmentCollection.GetAppointments(),
        AppointmentMappings = new DxSchedulerAppointmentMappings() {
            Type = "AppointmentType",
            Start = "StartDate",
            End = "EndDate",
            Subject = "Caption",
            AllDay = "AllDay",
            Location = "Location",
            Description = "Description",
            LabelId = "Label",
            StatusId = "Status",
            RecurrenceInfo = "Recurrence",
            ResourceId = "ResourceId"
        ResourcesSource = ResourceCollection.GetResourcesForGrouping(),
        ResourceMappings = new DxSchedulerResourceMappings() {
            Id = "Id",
            Caption = "Name",
            BackgroundCssClass = "BackgroundCss",
            TextCssClass = "TextCss",
            CustomFieldMappings = new List<DxSchedulerCustomFieldMapping> {
                new DxSchedulerCustomFieldMapping{ Name = "ImageFileName", Mapping = "ImageFileName" }

Scheduler - Resource Header Template

Run Demo: Scheduler - Resource Header Template

See Also