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DxRadio<TValue>.ChildContent Property

Specifies custom content for the radio button’s label.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public override RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

Content markup.


The ChildContent component parameter can store custom component content that does not belong to other component’s RenderFragment properties as shown below:

@foreach(var priorityLevel in PriorityLevels) {
    <DxRadio GroupName="priorities-radio-group"
             @*Place child content here*@

@code {
    string SelectedPriorityLevel { get; set; } = "normal";
    IEnumerable<string> PriorityLevels = new[] { "low", "normal", "urgent", "high" };

You can omit the <ChildContent> tag and specify the markup directly in the <DxRadio> tag:

<div role="radiogroup">
    @foreach(var priorityLevel in PriorityLevels) {
        <DxRadio GroupName="priorities-radio-group"

@code {
    string SelectedPriorityLevel { get; set; } = "normal";
    IEnumerable<string> PriorityLevels = new[] { "low", "normal", "urgent", "high" };

Radio - Simple Group

See Also