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DxChartAxisStripLabel.Text Property

Specifies strip label text.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public string Text { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The strip label text.


Add a DxChartAxisStripLabel object to strip markup and use the Text property to specify the strip label text.

<DxChart Data="@DataSource" Width="100%">
    @* ... *@
        <DxChartAxisStrip StartValue="@HighAverage"
                          Color="rgba(255, 155, 85, 0.15)">
            <DxChartAxisStripLabel Text="Above average high">
                <DxChartFont Color="@HighAverageColor" Weight="500" Size="14"/>
        <DxChartAxisStrip EndValue="LowAverage"
                          Color="rgba(97, 153, 230, 0.1)">
            <DxChartAxisStripLabel Text="Below average low">
                <DxChartFont Color="@LowAverageColor" Weight="500" Size="14" />

@code {
    // ...
    double HighAverage = 60.8;
    double LowAverage = 53;
    string HighAverageColor = "#ff9b52";
    string LowAverageColor = "#6199e6";

Chart - Axis strips

See Also