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DxButtonEditSettings Properties

The base class that declares common editor settings for auto-generated editors that contain buttons.
Name Description
ClearButtonDisplayMode Specifies whether an editor displays the Clear button when the editor is not empty. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
DisplayFormat Specifies the pattern used to format unfocused editor values.
Enabled Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
InputCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s input field.
NullText Specifies the editor’s prompt text when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
ReadOnly Specifies whether a user can change an editor’s value. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
ShowValidationIcon Specifies whether an editor shows validation icons. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
See Also