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Filter Row in Blazor Grid

  • 7 minutes to read

Enable the ShowFilterRow option to activate a row that allows users to filter data. The Grid component generates and configures cell editors for filter row cells based on associated column data types. When a user types into an editor, the Grid creates a filter condition based on the editor value and applies this condition to the corresponding column.

<DxGrid Data="@Data" ShowFilterRow="true">

Blazor Grid Filter Row

Run Demo: Data Grid - Filter Row

Filter Row Editor Settings

Declare an object that contains editor settings in the EditSettings property to customize the default editor or replace it with another editor. If the editor does not support the associated data type, the Grid uses a read-only text box instead. The table below lists classes that define cell editor settings and the corresponding data types:

Editor Settings Generated for Data Types Supported Data Types
DxComboBoxSettings Enum, Boolean All data types
DxDateEditSettings DateTime, DateTimeOffset DateTime, DateTimeOffset
DxMaskedInputSettings Never generated. Numeric, DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan, String
DxMemoSettings Never generated. String
DxSpinEditSettings Numeric Numeric
DxTextBoxSettings String String
DxTimeEditSettings Never generated. TimeSpan, DateTime

In the example below, the ProductID column’s markup contains the DxSpinEditSettings object that customizes the automatically generated editor.

<DxGrid Data="@products" 
        <DxGridCommandColumn />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductID" >
                <DxSpinEditSettings ShowSpinButtons="false" ReadOnly="true" NullText="Type the ID" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitsInOrder" />

Modified Editors

At runtime, you can handle the CustomizeFilterRowEditor event to customize editors in the filter row or call the GetColumnEditSettings method to access and customize editor settings.

Filter Row Operator Type and Initial Value

The Grid applies the Contains filter operator to columns bound to the String data type; in other cases, the Equals operator is used. You can use a column’s FilterRowOperatorType property to explicitly specify the operator type.

The FilterRowValue property allows you to specify the initial value in the filter row editor. If you define this property, you should also specify the FilterRowOperatorType property.

View Example: Incorporate a selector for filter row operator type

Filter Data By Display Text

Set the FilterMode property to DisplayText to filter grid rows by display text. In this case, the Grid displays a text box editor in the column’s filter row cell. This scenario can be useful when you specify custom display text for cells (see DisplayFormat property and CustomizeCellDisplayText event descriptions).


The Grid does not support filtering by display text when you use a Server Mode data source or GridDevExtremeDataSource.

<DxGrid Data="@Data" ShowFilterRow="true" CustomizeCellDisplayText="Grid_CustomizeCellDisplayText" >
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Date" DisplayFormat="D" 
            FilterMode="GridColumnFilterMode.DisplayText" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="CloudCover" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="TemperatureC" TextAlignment="GridTextAlignment.Left" Caption="Forecast"
            FilterMode="GridColumnFilterMode.DisplayText" />
void Grid_CustomizeCellDisplayText(GridCustomizeCellDisplayTextEventArgs e) {
    if(e.FieldName == "TemperatureC") {
        int val = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value);
        if(val < 15)
            e.DisplayText = "Cold";
        else if(val < 25)
            e.DisplayText = "Warm";
            e.DisplayText = "Hot";

Grid - Display Text Filter Mode

Filter Row Cell Template

You can create templates for filter row cells. Template properties are available at the component and column levels.

Element Property
Component level template DxGrid.DataColumnFilterRowCellTemplate
Data column’s template DxGridDataColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate
Command column’s template DxGridCommandColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate
Selection column’s template DxGridSelectionColumn.FilterRowCellTemplate

In the example below, the UnitPrice column declares FilterRowCellTemplate. The template contains a combobox editor that allows users to select a filter from a set of predefined criteria.

Blazor Grid Filter Row Custom Editors

<DxGrid Data="GridData" ShowFilterRow="true" >
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderId" Caption="Order ID" DisplayFormat="d" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderDate" DisplayFormat="d" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" DisplayFormat="c2" >
                <DxComboBox @bind-Value="context.FilterCriteria"
                            Data="UnitPriceIntervals" ValueFieldName="Criteria" TextFieldName="DisplayText"
                            ClearButtonDisplayMode="DataEditorClearButtonDisplayMode.Auto" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Shipped" 
                          UnboundExpression="[ShippedDate] <> Null" />

@code {
    object GridData { get; set; }
    static readonly IReadOnlyList<PriceFilterInterval> UnitPriceIntervals = new PriceFilterInterval[] {
        new("[UnitPrice] < 10", "< $10"),
        new("[UnitPrice] between (10, 100)", "$10 to $100"),
        new("[UnitPrice] > 100", "> $100")
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        GridData = await NwindDataService.GetInvoicesAsync();
    record PriceFilterInterval(CriteriaOperator Criteria, string DisplayText) {
        public PriceFilterInterval(string CriteriaText, string DisplayText)
            : this(CriteriaOperator.Parse(CriteriaText), DisplayText) {

Command Column

Declare a DxGridCommandColumn object in the Columns template to display a command column. This column contains the Clear button that resets the entire filter. You can use the ClearFilterButtonVisible property to control button visibility.

You can also define the column’s FilterRowCellTemplate to display custom content in the filter row cell.

Blazor Grid Filter Row Command Column

Disable Column Filtering

Disable a column’s FilterRowEditorVisible property to prevent users from filtering data by this column.

The following example hides the filter row editor in the Shipped column:

Blazor Grid Filter Row - Hide Editor

<DxGrid Data="GridData" ShowFilterRow="true" CssClass="my-grid" ColumnResizeMode="GridColumnResizeMode.ColumnsContainer">
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderId" Caption="Order ID" DisplayFormat="d" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderDate" DisplayFormat="d" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName" FilterRowValue='"Queso"' />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" DisplayFormat="c2" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Shipped" FilterRowEditorVisible="false"
                          UnboundExpression="[ShippedDate] <> Null" />
        <DxGridCommandColumn NewButtonVisible="false" EditButtonVisible="false" DeleteButtonVisible="false" />

Editor Render Mode

The Grid component renders editors in the filter row as standalone components with borders and paddings between an editor and cell borders.

Detached Render Mode

Set the EditorRenderMode property to Integrated to render editors so that they occupy the entire cell. In this mode, editor borders are not displayed.

Integrated Render Mode

Customize Filter Row Appearance

Handle the CustomizeElement event to customize Filter Row appearance. Compare the event argument’s e.ElementType property with the GridElementType.FilterRow value to determine whether the processed element is the Filter Row.

To customize individual Filter Row elements, use the following values for the e.ElementType property:

  • GridElementType.FilterCell
  • GridElementType.FilterCommandCell
  • GridElementType.FilterSelectionCell

Apply a Filter When a User Types Text

To filter data as a user types in the filter row, follow the steps below:

<DxGridDataColumn Caption="Summary" FieldName="Summary">
        <DxTextBox Text="@((string)context.FilterRowValue)" BindValueMode=BindValueMode.OnInput
                   TextChanged="(string v) => context.FilterRowValue = v" />

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