There Are Blazor Component Features (for instance, Drag and Drop and Column Resize) That Do Not Work in My Application
Your browser may block certain operations in our components (for instance, drag and drop of the Scheduler appointments, Grid column resize, etc.). This typically happens when you run your Blazor application in the Microsoft Edge Legacy browser with .NET 5.0. In such cases, the browser fails to load JavaScript files included in our components. Refer to the following Microsoft issue for more information.
We add these JavaScript files to our components, because the Blazor framework does not ship with corresponding native events. To optimize network traffic when our JavaScript resources are sent, our components use front-end methodologies, such as tree shaking and code splitting. The main idea is to deliver only required JavaScript code. Most of these .js
files are small and contain only a few functions.
The components include similar JavaScript files with different prefixes:
files stand for ESM.cjs-XXX.js
files are fallback files for browsers that don’t support ESM.
To resolve the initial problem, run your application in a browser that is compatible with DevExpress Blazor components and your .NET version. For more information, refer to Supported Browsers.