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PivotGridExtension.CreateDrillDownDataSource Method

Name Parameters Description
CreateDrillDownDataSource(PivotGridSettings, Object, Int32, Int32, List<String>) static pivotGridSettings, dataSource, columnIndex, rowIndex, customColumns Returns data records associated with the specified cell.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(PivotGridSettings, Object, Int32, Int32, Int32, List<String>) static pivotGridSettings, dataSource, columnIndex, rowIndex, maxRowCount, customColumns Returns data records associated with the specified cell.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(PivotGridSettings, Object, Int32, Int32, Int32) static pivotGridSettings, dataSource, columnIndex, rowIndex, dataIndex Returns data records associated with the specified cell.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(PivotGridSettings, Object, Int32, Int32) static pivotGridSettings, dataSource, columnIndex, rowIndex Returns data records associated with the specified cell.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(PivotGridSettings, Object) static pivotGridSettings, dataSource Returns data records used to calculate summary values for all cells.