GridViewSettings Properties
Contains the GridView extension settings.Name | Description |
AccessibilityCompliant | Enables accessibility support. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
AccessKey | Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the ASP.NET MVC extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
AfterPerformCallback | Enables you to perform custom actions after a callback or a postback initiated by the control has been processed on the server. |
Attributes | Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
AutoFilterCellEditorCreate | Enables you to assign editors to individual filter row cells. |
AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize | Enables the cell editors displayed within the auto filter row cells to be initialized. |
BeforeColumnSortingGrouping | Provides an opportunity to obtain the column sorting or grouping parameters and to perform some action before a column is sorted or grouped. |
BeforeGetCallbackResult | Allows you to perform custom actions after a callback sent by the current extension has been processed on the server, but prior to the time the respective callback result render is formed. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
BeforeHeaderFilterFillItems | Enables you to provide custom filter items instead of default ones displayed within a Popup Header Filter. |
CallbackRouteValues | Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
Caption | Gets or sets the text to render in an HTML caption element in a GridView. |
CellEditorInitialize | Enables initializing the cell editors displayed within the grid edit cells. |
ClientLayout | Enables you to save and restore the previously saved layout of the extension. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
ClientSideEvents | Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the GridView. |
ClientVisible | Gets or sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of an extension on the client. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
Columns | Provides access to a GridView’s column collection. |
CommandButtonInitialize | Enables individual row cells containing command column items to be initialized. |
CommandColumn | Provides access to the GridView’s command column. |
ContextMenuInitialize | Enables you to customize the context menu when it is initialized. |
ContextMenuItemClick | Enables you to perform custom actions when a context menu item has been clicked. |
ContextMenuItemVisibility | Enables you to dynamically control the context menu item visibility and availability. |
ControlStyle | Provides access to the style settings declared at the root level of the extension’s wrapped web server control. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
CustomActionRouteValues | Defines the custom callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle custom callbacks initiated by the MVCxClientGridView.PerformCallback method. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
CustomBindingRouteValuesCollection | Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of Controllers and Actions that handle callbacks related to grid data operations such as paging, sorting, grouping and filtering. |
CustomButtonInitialize | Enables you to initialize custom command buttons. |
CustomCallback | Obsolete. Fires when a callback has been initiated. |
CustomCellMerge | Enables you to merge grid cells manually. |
CustomColumnDisplayText | Enables you to specify a cell’s display text. |
CustomColumnGroup | Provides the capability to group data using custom rules. |
CustomColumnSort | Enables you to sort data using custom rules. |
CustomDataActionRouteValues | Defines the custom callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle custom data callbacks initiated by the MVCxClientGridView.GetValuesOnCustomCallback method. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
CustomDataCallback | Obsolete. Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the ASPxClientGridView.GetValuesOnCustomCallback method. |
CustomGroupDisplayText | Enables you to provide custom content for group rows. |
CustomJSProperties | Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client. |
CustomSummaryCalculate | Enables you to calculate summary values manually. |
CustomUnboundColumnData | Enables data to be supplied to unbound columns. |
DataBinding | Allows you to perform custom actions before a GridView is bound to a data source. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
DataBound | Allows you to perform actions after the GridView is bound to a data source. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
DeleteSelectedRowsRouteValues | Defines the callback routing logic by specifying the names of a Controller and an Action which should handle callbacks related to selected rows deletion. |
DetailRowExpandedChanged | Allows you to perform custom actions in response to expanding or collapsing a master row. |
DetailRowGetButtonVisibility | Enables you to hide/show expand buttons displayed within individual data rows. |
EditFormLayoutCreated | Enables you to perform custom actions in response to the layout creation. |
EditFormLayoutProperties | Contains settings allowing you to customize the edit form layout. |
EnableCallbackAnimation | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a specific animation effect is used when a GridView’s content is updated via a callback. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
EnableCallbackCompression | Gets or sets whether callback compression is enabled. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
Enabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the MVC Extension is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
EnablePagingCallbackAnimation | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a specific animation effect is used when changing pages. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
EnablePagingGestures | Gets or sets a value specifying whether an end-user can switch pages with a swipe gesture. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
EnableRowsCache | Gets or sets whether data caching is enabled. |
EnableTheming | Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
EncodeHtml | This property is not in effect for the GridSettingsBase class. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlColumnsCreated | Enables you to customize the filter control column collection after it is created. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorCreate | Enables you to replace the default criteria value editor with a custom one. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlCriteriaValueEditorInitialize | Enables the editors displayed within the criteria value to be initialized. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlCustomValueDisplayText | Enables you to specify the entered filter value’s custom display text to be displayed when the filter’s condition value editor is inactive. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlOperationVisibility | Enables you to dynamically hide operation items (such as the Equals, Contains, etc.) of the FilterControl’s operation dropdown menu. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FilterControlParseValue | Enables you to process and modify an entered value before it is actually accepted by the filter. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
FormatConditions | Provides access to a collection of format condition rules. |
GroupSummary | Provides access to group summary items. |
GroupSummarySortInfo | Enables sorting group rows by their summary values. |
HeaderFilterEditorInitialize | Occurs when a header filter editor is initialized. |
HeaderFilterFillItems | Allows you to populate a filter dropdown with custom filter items. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
HtmlCommandCellPrepared | Allows you to change the settings of individual command column cells. |
HtmlDataCellPrepared | Enables the settings of individual data cells to be changed. |
HtmlEditFormCreated | Enables you to initialize elements contained within the grid’s Edit Form template. |
HtmlFooterCellPrepared | Enables the settings of individual footer cells to be changed. |
HtmlRowCreated | Allows you to initialize elements contained within the grid templates, when a table row has been created. |
HtmlRowPrepared | Enables the settings of individual rows to be changed. |
Images | Provides access to the settings that define images for various elements within the GridView. |
ImagesEditors | Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the GridView’s editors. |
ImagesFilterControl | Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the Filter Builder. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
Init | Enables you to perform custom actions when an extension is initialized. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
InitNewRow | Enables you to initialize added rows. |
KeyboardSupport | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether keyboard navigation is available within the GridView extension. |
KeyFieldName | Gets or sets the name of the data source key field. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
Name | Specifies the unique identifier name for the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
PageIndexChanged | Obsolete. Enables you to perform custom actions when the selected page has been changed. |
PreRender | Allows custom processing to be implemented before the extension is rendered to the page. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
PreviewEncodeHtml | Gets or sets whether to encode preview row content. |
PreviewFieldName | Gets or sets the name of the data source field whose values are displayed within the preview rows. |
ProcessColumnAutoFilter | Enables you to apply custom filter criteria. |
ProcessOnClickRowFilter | Enables you to apply custom filter criteria when the filter row is in the OnClick mode. |
RightToLeft | Specifies whether to apply right-to-left representation to the extension. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
SearchPanelEditorCreate | Enables you to replace the default search panel editor with a custom one. |
SearchPanelEditorInitialize | Enables you to customize the properties of an editor displayed within the search panel. |
Settings | Provides access to the GridView’s display options. |
SettingsAdaptivity | Provides access to the grid layout adaptivity settings. |
SettingsBehavior | Provides access to the GridView’s behavior settings. |
SettingsCommandButton | Provides access to the settings of the GridView’s command buttons. |
SettingsContextMenu | Provides access to the GridView’s context menu settings. |
SettingsCookies | Provides access to the extension’s cookie settings. |
SettingsCustomizationDialog | Provides access to the Customization Dialog’s settings. |
SettingsCustomizationWindow | Obsolete. Provides access to the Customization Window‘s settings. |
SettingsDataSecurity | Provides access to the GridView’s security settings that allow you to disable data modification operations (edit, insert, delete). |
SettingsDetail | Provides access to the GridView’s master-detail options. |
SettingsEditing | Provides access to the GridView‘s edit settings. |
SettingsExport | Provides access to the GridView’s export settings. |
SettingsFilterControl | Provides access to the filter control’s settings. |
SettingsLoadingPanel | Provides access to the loading panel’s settings. |
SettingsPager | Provides access to the pager‘s settings. |
SettingsPopup | Provides access to the settings of different grid popup elements. |
SettingsResizing | Provides access to the GridView’s resizing settings. |
SettingsSearchPanel | Provides access to the search panel’s settings. |
SettingsText | Provides access to the GridView’s text settings. |
SkinID | Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Style | Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to an extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Styles | Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the extension’s visual elements. |
StylesContextMenu | Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the context menu displayed within the GridView. |
StylesEditors | Provides access to style settings used to paint the GridView’s editors. |
StylesFilterControl | Provides access to the style settings defining the appearance of the Filter Builder. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
StylesPager | Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the Pager displayed within the GridView. |
StylesPopup | Provides access to the style settings defining the appearance of different popup elements within a grid. |
StylesToolbar | Provides access to the style settings that define the appearance of toolbars. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
SubstituteFilter | Allows you to replace a filter applied with another filter. Inherited from GridSettingsBase. |
SummaryDisplayText | Enables custom display text to be provided for any summary value. |
SummaryText | Gets or sets a value that specifies the table summary attribute. |
TabIndex | Gets or sets the tab index of the control element of the web page. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
Theme | Gets or sets the name of the theme to be applied to the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
ToolbarItemClick | Enables you to perform custom actions when a toolbar item has been clicked. |
Toolbars | Gets the collection of toolbars in the GridViewSettings control. |
ToolTip | Gets or sets a UI element’s tooltip text. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
TotalSummary | Provides access to total summary items. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the extension. Inherited from SettingsBase. |
See Also