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Data Filtering

  • 2 minutes to read

The Query Builder allows you to specify filter criteria to only display the required result set.

#Filter Data

Click an empty space on the design surface to display the Query Properties panel, and in the invoked panel, click the Filter property’s ellipsis button.


This opens the Filter Editor which provides a visual interface for constructing filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions combined by logical operators.


A filter condition consists of three parts:

  • A data source field;
  • A criteria operator, such as Equals, Is less than, Is between, etc;
  • A static operand value or another data field.

You can arrange specific conditions into groups with And, Or, Not And, and Not Or operators.

In the advanced mode, the Filter Editor enables you to type a filter string manually. You can find a list of all available operators and functions and learn the criteria syntax in the Criteria Language Syntax topic.


#Filter Groups

The Group Filter option becomes available in the Query Properties panel if you grouped your data.


Clicking this property’s ellipsis button invokes the Filter Editor where you can specify filter conditions for grouped and aggregated data.


#Select the Specified Number of Records

Use the Select Top property to specify the number of first records to include to the query result set. The Offset option becomes available if data is sorted. Use this option to define how many records to skip before data is retrieved.


#Select Distinct Values

Set the Select distinct property to Yes to include only non-duplicated values in the query result set.
