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Round Panel Visual Elements

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This topic describes RoundPanel elements visible on screen.


The following visual elements are available.

A Header element consists of a headline - a line of text, an optional image before that line and a composite background.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Background RoundPanelParts.HeaderContent (via RoundPanelSettings.Parts.HeaderContent)
Image RoundPanelSettings.HeaderImage
Navigate URL RoundPanelSettings.HeaderNavigateUrl
Style RoundPanelStyles.Header (via RoundPanelSettings.Styles.Header)
Template RoundPanelSettings.SetHeaderTemplateContent
Text RoundPanelSettings.HeaderText
Visibility RoundPanelSettings.ShowHeader

#Content Region

The content region displays required descriptive text and may contain a set of child elements.

The table below lists the main members that affect element appearance and functionality.

Characteristics Members
Alignment AppearanceStyleBase.HorizontalAlign (via RoundPanelSettings.ControlStyle.HorizontalAlign)
Background RoundPanelParts.Content (via RoundPanelSettings.Parts.Content)
Height RoundPanelSettings.ContentHeight