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FileSystemItem.CustomFields Property

Gets the collection of custom fields bound to a file system item.

Namespace: DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc.FileManagement

Assembly: DevExtreme.AspNet.Core.dll


public IDictionary<string, object> CustomFields { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description
IDictionary<String, Object>

A collection of custom fields.


Use the CustomFields property to access and manage a file system item’s custom fields.

Refer to the FileManager - Binding to Entity Framework ORM online demo to see the whole code.

public IEnumerable<FileSystemItem> GetItems(FileSystemLoadItemOptions options) {
    int parentId = ParseKey(options.Directory.Key);
    var fileItems = GetDirectoryContents(parentId);

    var clientItemList = new List<FileSystemItem>();
    foreach(var item in fileItems) {
        var clientItem = new FileSystemItem {
            Key = item.Id.ToString(),
            Name = item.Name,
            IsDirectory = item.IsDirectory,
            DateModified = item.Modified

        clientItem.CustomFields["modifiedBy"] = item.ModifiedBy.FullName;
        clientItem.CustomFields["created"] = item.Created;
    return clientItemList;


#Online Demo

See Also