Change Icon Set
Visual elements of DevExpress Bootstrap controls display icons from icon fonts.The following icon fonts are supported:
- Embedded
- FontAwesome ver. 4-5
- Glyphicons Halflings[1]
You can use CSS to implement custom icons.
You can use the BootstrapConfigurationSection.IconSet property in the /devExpress/bootstrap web.config section to switch icon sets. For example, set the iconSet property to FontAwesome5 to switch to Font Awesome ver.5 icons:
<bootstrap iconSet="FontAwesome5" />
Note that you should download the Font Awesome icons, add the font and CSS files to your project and link the FontAwesome CSS to your master page:
<head runat="server">
<link href="font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />
You can use the same approach to switch to the Glyphicons Halflings icon set.
In Bootstrap v4, the Glyphicons icon font is dropped. For more information, see the following topic: Migrating to v4.