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DiagramEditOperation.DeleteShape Property

Identifies the DeleteShape operation.


static readonly DeleteShape: string

#Property Value

Type Description

Returns “DeleteShape”.


The operation parameter returns the DeleteShape value if the RequestEditOperation event fired for the following reasons:

  • a user is about to delete a shape,
  • the ASPxDiagram control is updating the Cut and Delete command states (for instance, before displaying a context menu).

Use the reason parameter to identify the reason why the event fired.

<dx:ASPxDiagram ID="Diagram" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="600px">
    <ClientSideEvents RequestEditOperation="onRequestEditOperation" />
    if(e.operation === DiagramEditOperation.DeleteShape) {
        if(e.args.shape.type === "root") {
            if(e.reason !== DiagramRequestEditOperationReason.CheckUIElementAvailability)
                showWarning("You cannot delete the 'Development' shape.");
            e.allowed = false;

The RequestEditOperation event does not fire for the DeleteShape operation if the AllowDeleteShape property is set to false.

See Also