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ASPxClientDiagramRequestEditOperationEventArgs.operation Property

Identifies the operation currently being processed.



#Property Value

Type Description

The operation.


Use the operation property to determine the operation currently being processed in the RequestEditOperation event.

function onRequestEditOperation(s, e) {
    if(e.operation === DiagramEditOperation.ResizeShape) {
        if(e.args.newSize.width < 1 || e.args.newSize.height < 0.75) {
            if(e.reason !== DiagramRequestEditOperationReason.CheckUIElementAvailability)
                showWarning("The shape size is too small.");
            e.allowed = false;
    else if(e.operation === DiagramEditOperation.ChangeShapeText) {
        if(e.args.text === "") {
            if(e.reason !== DiagramRequestEditOperationReason.CheckUIElementAvailability)
                showWarning("A shape text cannot be empty.");
            e.allowed = false;

Note that if you want to disable a specific operation type for the entire diagram, you can also set an Allow{Operation} property to false. The table below lists the available operations, their descriptions, and corresponding Allow{Operation} properties.

Operation User action / IU update operation causes the event to be raised Allow{Operation} property
AddShape A user is about to add a shape / The control determines the Paste command’s visibility. AllowAddShape
AddShapeFromToolbox The control determines the visibility of a shape in the toolbox or context toolbox. AllowAddShape
BeforeChangeConnectorText A user is about to edit a connector’s text. AllowChangeConnectorText
BeforeChangeShapeText A user is about to edit a shape’s text. AllowChangeShapeText
ChangeConnection A user is about to link or delink a connector from a shape / The control determines a connection point’s visibility. AllowChangeConnection
ChangeConnectorPoints A user changed a connector’s points. AllowChangeConnectorPoints
ChangeConnectorText A user changed a connector’s text. AllowChangeConnectorText
ChangeShapeText A user changed a shape’s text. AllowChangeShapeText
DeleteConnector A user is about to delete a connector / The control determines the Cut and Delete commands’ visibility. AllowDeleteConnector
DeleteShape A user is about to delete a shape / The control determines the visibility of the Cut and Delete commands. AllowDeleteShape
MoveShape A user moved a shape. AllowMoveShape
ResizeShape A user resized a shape. AllowResizeShape

The operation property value defines the type of the args property value.

Run Demo: Editing Restrictions

See Also