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ASPxClientTreeListBatchEditApi Members

Provides members related to Batch Edit Mode.


Name Description
AddNewNode(parentNodeKey) Adds a new node when ASPxTreeList is in Batch Edit mode.
DeleteNode(nodeKey) Deletes the specified node when ASPxTreeList is in Batch Edit.
EndEdit Ends cell or node editing.
GetCellTextContainer(nodeKey, columnFieldNameOrId) Gets a container holding data cell content.
GetCellValue(nodeKey, columnFieldNameOrId) Gets the value of the specified cell.
GetColumnDisplayText(columnFieldNameOrId, value) Provides the text displayed within the cell according to the specified display format rule.
GetDeletedNodeKeys Returns an array of the deleted node keys.
GetEditCellInfo Gets information about the cell currently being edited.
GetFocusedCell Gets information about a focused cell.
GetInsertedNodeKeys Returns an array of the inserted node keys.
GetNodeKeys(includeDeleted) Returns an array of node keys.
GetSelectedCells Gets information about the selected cells.
GetUnsavedChanges Returns an object that stores unsaved changes.
GetUpdatedNodeKeys Returns an array of the updated nodes’ keys.
HasChanges Returns a value that indicates whether the specified node has changed data.
IsDeletedNode(nodeKey) Indicates if the node with the specified key is deleted.
IsNewNode(nodeKey) Indicates if the node with the specified key is newly created.
MoveFocusBackward Programmatically moves focus to the previous cell in the node.
MoveFocusForward Programmatically moves focus to the next cell in the node.
RecoverNode(nodeKey) Recovers the specified node when ASPxTreeList is in Batch Edit mode.
ResetChanges(nodeKey) Resets changes in the specified node.
SelectCell(nodeKey, columnIndex) Selects a cell.
SetCellValue(nodeKey, columnFieldNameOrId, value) Sets the specified cell value.
SetFocusedCell(nodeKey, columnIndex) Focuses the specified cell.
StartEdit(nodeKey, columnIndex) Switches the specified cell to edit mode.
UnselectCell(nodeKey, columnIndex) Deselects a cell.
ValidateNode(nodeKey) Performs validation of tree list data contained in a specified node when the tree list operates in Batch Edit mode.
ValidateNodes Performs validation of tree list data contained in all nodes when the tree list operates in Batch Edit mode.
See Also