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ASPxClientHtmlEditorInsertYouTubeVideoCommandArguments Members

Contains settings related to the ASPxClientCommandConsts.INSERTYOUTUBEVIDEO_COMMAND command parameter.


Name Description
constructor(htmlEditor) Initializes a new instance of the object.

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Name Description
align Determines the position of the target media element. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorChangeMediaElementCommandArguments.
allowFullscreen Determines if the target YouTube video can be displayed in fullscreen mode.
enablePrivacyEnhancedMode Determines if the privacy-enhanced mode is enabled for the target YouTube video.
id Defines the HTML “id” attribute of the target media element. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorChangeMediaElementCommandArguments.
selectedElement Gets the currently selected element in the ASPxHtmlEditor. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorCommandArguments.
showPlayerControls Determines if the player controls are displayed for the target YouTube video.
showRelatedVideos Determines if suggested videos are shown after the target YouTube video finishes.
showVideoInfo Determines if the target YouTube video title and player actions (Watch later, Share) are shown.
src Defines the source of the target media element. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorChangeMediaElementCommandArguments.
styleSettings Contains the style settings defining the appearance of the target media element. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorChangeMediaElementCommandArguments.

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Name Description
GetCommandName Returns the name of the client-side command corresponding to the parameter. Inherited from ASPxClientHtmlEditorChangeMediaElementCommandArguments.
See Also