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Member Table: Save and Restore Layout

Member Description
ASPxPivotGrid.SaveLayoutToString Saves the pivot grid’s layout to a string.
ASPxPivotGrid.SaveLayoutToStream Saves the pivot grid’s layout to a stream.
ASPxPivotGrid.LoadLayoutFromString Restores the pivot grid’s layout from the specified string.
ASPxPivotGrid.LoadLayoutFromStream Restores the pivot grid’s layout from the specified stream.
ASPxPivotGrid.SaveCollapsedStateToStream Saves the collapsed state of field values to the specified stream.
ASPxPivotGrid.SaveCollapsedStateToString Saves the collapsed state of field values to the specified string.
ASPxPivotGrid.LoadCollapsedStateFromStream Restores the collapsed state of field values from the specified stream.
ASPxPivotGrid.LoadCollapsedStateFromString Restores the collapsed state of field values from the specified string.