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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

IsGrantedExtensions.CanReadByRole Method

Name Parameters Description
CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, IObjectSpace, Object, String) static security, targetRole, objectSpace, targetObject, memberName For internal use.
CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Object, String) static security, targetRole, targetObject, memberName Checks whether the specified role allows reading the specified object or this object’s member.
CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Type, IObjectSpace, Object, String) static security, targetRole, type, objectSpace, targetObjectKey, memberName Checks whether the specified role allows reading an object with the specified key or this object’s member.
CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Type, Object, String) static security, targetRole, type, targetObjectKey, memberName For internal use.
CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Type, String) static security, targetRole, type, memberName Checks whether the specified role allows reading objects of the specified type or these objects’ members.
CanReadByRole<T>(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, IObjectSpace, Object, String) static security, targetRole, objectSpace, targetObjectKey, memberName Checks whether the specified role allows reading an object with the specified key or this object’s member.
CanReadByRole<T>(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Object, String) static security, targetRole, targetObjectKey, memberName For internal use.
CanReadByRole<T>(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, String) static security, targetRole, memberName Checks whether the specified role allows reading objects of the specified type or their member.