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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

IReportDataSourceHelper Methods

Defines API used to manage reports and their data sources.
Name Description
CreateReportObjectSpaceProviderCore(Component) Returns an IObjectSpaceProvider for the specified report or report component.
GetMasterReportDataSource(XtraReport) Returns the data source of the specified report.
SetupBeforePrint(XtraReport, ReportParametersObjectBase, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, SortProperty[], Boolean) Prepares the report for further printing.
SetupBeforePrint(XtraReport) Prepares the report for further printing.
SetupReport(XtraReport, ReportParametersObjectBase, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, SortProperty[], Boolean) Initializes the specified report.
SetupReport(XtraReport) Initializes the specified report.
SetXafReportParametersObject(XtraReport, ReportParametersObjectBase) Adds a ReportParametersObjectBase descendant object that specifies report parameters to the XtraReport.Parameters collection (if this object exists).
See Also