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.NET Framework 4.5.2+
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FileDataDownloader.SetDownloader(FileDataDownloader) Method

Specifies a file data downloader to be used by the File Attachments module to send files to the client in ASP.NET Web Forms XAF Applications.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachments.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Web


public static void SetDownloader(
    FileDataDownloader downloader


Name Type Description
downloader FileDataDownloader

A FileDataDownloader object to be used to send files to the client.


To register your FileDataDownloader descendant, call the static SetDownloader method in the Application_Start method that is located in the Global.asax.cs (Global.asax.vb) file:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachments.Web;
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    FileDataDownloader.SetDownloader(new MyDownloader());
See Also