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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

DashboardDesignerManager.ShowDesigner(IObjectSpace, Type, IDashboardData) Method

Shows a DashboardDesigner with the provided Dashboard.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.1.dll


public void ShowDesigner(
    IObjectSpace objectSpace,
    Type dashboardDataType,
    IDashboardData dashboardData


Name Type Description
objectSpace IObjectSpace

An IObjectSpace object specifying the current View’s Object Space.

dashboardDataType Type

A type implementing the IDashboardData interface. An implementation used by the Dashboards Module is specified in the DashboardsModule.DashboardDataType property.

dashboardData IDashboardData

An IDashboardData object. The IDashboardData.Content property should contain the current Dashboard.


Use the ShowDesigner method to show the DashboardDesigner that allows end-users to edit a Dashboard.

Use the DashboardDesignerManager.GetDashboardData method to get the IDashboardData after the Dashboard Designer is closed.

See Also