OAuth2 Authentication - Passkey, Forgot My Password, and Two-Factor Authentication Support
- 2 minutes to read
Your XAF Blazor or WinForms application can use external OAuth 2 authentication providers (for example, Microsoft Entra ID or Google) and their integrated capabilities such as Passkey, Forgot Password and Two-Factor Authentication. Note that these features are implemented and maintained by the providers rather then by XAF. Their availability depends only on the provider’s configuration and on the organization’s domain policies if such policies are applicable and are in use.
As an example, when a user initiates a logon process through Microsoft Entra ID, the following popup window appears:
This window displays a logon form that is common for Microsoft web-based resources with all logon options available. For example:
#Two-Factor Authentication
If two-factor authentication is enabled, the logon form will prompt a user to take an additional verification step after the user enters their login ID and password. The additional step may differ depending on the two-factor authentication method used.
#Forgot My Password
The Forgot my password action redirects the user to a password recovery page. Once the user has recovered the password, the initial logon page of the Entra ID logon form is displayed.
If a user clicks the Sign-in options button on the initial logon page, the form switches to the page with additional authentication methods. For example, the user can follow the passkey flow to log in.