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Screenshot Tests (Visual Testing)

  • 3 minutes to read

EasyTest supports screenshot testing for all XAF platforms (ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms). This topic explains how to run screenshot tests.

Add a Visual Test

The steps below show how to add a visual test for the login form.

  1. In your test project, create a Screenshots folder, and add an expected image ({BlazorAppName}_Login.png) and a mask image ({BlazorAppName}_Login_Mask.png). In the properties window, set the Build Action property for these images to Embedded resource.

  2. Add the following code to get an image from the embedded resources:

    using System.Reflection;
    // ...
    private static Image LoadImageFromResource(string searchPattern) {
        var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        var resourceName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Contains(searchPattern));
        using var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
        if(stream is not null) {
            return Image.FromStream(stream);
        return null;
  3. The following method saves an image to a file:

    using System.Drawing.Imaging;
    using System.IO;
    // ...
    private static void SaveImage(Image image, string folder, string fileName, string postfix) {
        if(!Directory.Exists(folder)) {
        string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(folder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName));
        string actualFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}{2}", fileNameWithoutExtension, postfix, Path.GetExtension(fileName));
        image.Save(actualFileName, ImageFormat.Png);
  4. Add test code:

    const string BlazorAppName = "MyAppNameBlazor";
    // ...
    public void ScreenshotTest() {
        var outputDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
        IApplicationContext appContext = FixtureContext.CreateApplicationContext(BlazorAppName);
        string expectedImageName = $"{BlazorAppName}_Login.png";
        string maskImageName = $"{BlazorAppName}_Login_Mask.png";
        Image expectedImage = LoadImageFromResource(expectedImageName);
        Image maskImage = LoadImageFromResource(maskImageName);
        // Call the SetActiveWindowsSize method to ensure the actual 
        // and the expected image have the same dimensions.
        appContext.GetScreen().SetActiveWindowSize(new Size(1024, 768));
        // Get the actual screenshot.
        Image screenshot = appContext.GetScreen().GetScreenshot();
        // Compare the expected image with the actual image.
        bool equality = appContext.GetScreen().ImagesEqual(screenshot, expectedImage, maskImage);
        // If the images are not equal, save the actual image and a diff image.
        if(!equality) {
            Image diffs = appContext.GetScreen().GetImagesDifferences(screenshot, expectedImage, maskImage);
            SaveImage(screenshot, outputDirectory, expectedImageName, "Actual");
            SaveImage(diffs, outputDirectory, expectedImageName, "Diff");

Image Types

Expected image

The screenshot test compares an actual screenshot with an expected image. The expected image captures the application’s visual state you need to achieve during the test.


Mask image

Use a mask image to ignore a particular area on the screenshot (for example, a text input with a blinking cursor). Mask images are of the same size as their corresponding expected images. A mask image has a white background; ignored areas are painted in black.


Diff image

A diff image shows the difference between expected and actual images. The different areas are painted red.


Actual image (Screenshot)
An application screenshot captured during testing. If the actual image is the same as the expected image, the test passed.