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Add Actions (Menu Commands)

  • 2 minutes to read

Before you proceed with this section of the tutorial, you should familiarize yourself with the following basic concepts of the Cross-Platform .NET App UI.

Visually, Action is a toolbar item or another control that performs the associated code when an end user manipulates it. XAF has several predefined Action types. You can choose the appropriate type depending on how you want your Action to be displayed within the UI. All Actions expose the Execute event whose handler is executed when end users manipulate the corresponding element. For more details, refer to the Actions topic.

Controllers are classes inherited from the Controller class. This class has the following descendants that can also serve as base classes for controllers:

Controllers implement business logic in your application. The application either executes this logic automatically (for example, on activation of a View) or triggers it when a user executes an Action declared within the Controller. XAF uses reflection to automatically collect controllers implemented within modules. Controller classes should be public. The Controller properties and base class determine the View or the Window where this controller is active. For more details, refer to the Controllers topic.

Controllers and Actions are instruments that implement custom features in an XAF application. In this tutorial section, you will learn how to complete the following tasks:

  • Add Actions of different types
  • Implement Controllers without Actions
  • Modify the behavior of existing Controllers and Actions

We recommend that you complete the lessons in the following order: