User Authentication Without a Logon Window in Windows Forms Applications
- 3 minutes to read
This topic details the steps performed from the time the WinApplication object has been created and initialized, until the moment an end-user has been authenticated to the application. There are two built-in Authentication Strategies in XAF. The AuthenticationStandard authenticates end-users with the information typed in the logon window. The AuthenticationActiveDirectory does not require the logon window to be displayed. It takes the required information from the system’s active directory. This topic details how end-users are authenticated when the built-in AuthenticationActiveDirectory strategy is used. You can customize the AuthenticationActiveDirectory, so that a logon window is displayed and the information typed in it is used for authentication. In this instance, read the User Authentication Without a Logon Window in Windows Forms Applications topic, to learn how the logon window is displayed.
Stage Description | Ways to Interfere |
To start the authentication process, an Object Space is created to check whether a record defining the user requesting authentication exists in the application database. Before accessing the database, the compatibility of the module versions in the database and their actual versions is checked. If the versions in the database are greater than the actual ones, an exception is raised, which requires that you increase your application’s version. If lower, the Xaf | Before the authentication process is started, you can access the Logon You can perform a custom process of checking the database and application compatibility. For this purpose handle the Xaf If you do not need the scenario implemented in the Xaf Use the Xaf |
When the Authentication | If the default authentication performed by a built-in Authentication class does not satisfy your requirements, implement a custom class. For instance, inherit from one of the built-in authentication classes: Authentication |
The Application Model’s layer with end-user customizations, stored in the Model. | To perform custom actions after the logging on procedure has finished, handle the Xaf |