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ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventHandler<Sender> Interface


interface ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventHandler<Sender> { (source: Sender, e: ASPxClientCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventArgs): void; }


Name Type Description
source Sender

The event sender.

e ASPxClientCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventArgs

An ASPxClientCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventArgs object that contains data related to the event.


When creating a ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventHandler<Sender> delegate, identify a method that will handle corresponding events.

To associate an event with an event handler, add a delegate instance to the event.

The event handler is called whenever the event occurs, unless the delegate is removed.