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ASPxClientReportDesigner Class

The client-side equivalent of the Web Report Designer control.


declare class ASPxClientReportDesigner extends ASPxClientControl


AddParameterType(parameterInfo, editorOptions) Method


    parameterInfo: DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Data.IParameterType,
    editorOptions: DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.IEditorInfo
): void


Name Type Description
parameterInfo IParameterType

An object that provides information about a parameter type to be added.

editorOptions IEditorInfo

An object that provides information about an editor used to specify parameter values in design mode.


The AddParameterType method registers custom parameter types in the End-User Report Designer.

If you need to add a new parameter type based on an existing type, use the ASPxClientReportDesigner.GetParameterInfo and ASPxClientReportDesigner.GetParameterEditor methods to obtain information about standard parameter types and associated editors.

To remove an available parameter type from the End-User Report Designer, call the ASPxClientReportDesigner.RemoveParameterType method.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function init(s) {
        // Specify settings of a parameter type to be registered.
        var parameterInfo = {
            value: "System.Custom",
            displayValue: "Custom Integer",
            defaultValue: 0,
            specifics: "integer",
            valueConverter: function (val) {
                return parseInt(val);

        // Obtain a standard parameter editor for the specified type.
        var parameterEditor = s.GetParameterEditor("System.Int64")

        // Register a custom parameter type.
        s.AddParameterType(parameterInfo, parameterEditor);

        // Remove an existing parameter type.

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="designer">
     <ClientSideEvents Init="init"/>

For more information, see Registering Custom Report Parameter Types.

See Also

AddToPropertyGrid(groupName, property) Method

Adds a custom property to the Properties Panel.


    groupName: string,
    property: DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfo
): void


Name Type Description
groupName string

A string that specifies the name of group to which a property should be added.

property ISerializationInfo

An object that provides information required to serialize a property.


For an example of adding a custom property to the Properties Panel, see Registering a Custom Control in the Report Designer Toolbox.

Cast(obj) Method

Converts the specified object to the current object’s type. This method is effective when you utilize the Client API IntelliSense feature provided by DevExpress.


static Cast(
    obj: any
): ASPxClientReportDesigner


Name Type Description
obj any

The client object to be type cast. Represents an instance of a DevExpress web control’s client object.


Type Description

An ASPxClientReportDesigner object.


The Cast method is implemented as a part of the JavaScript IntelliSense support for DevExpress ASP.NET controls and MVC extensions. So, using the Cast method is sensible when you intend to use IntelliSense during writing JavaScript code at design time with the help of the DevExpress client API.

A call to the Cast method (which is a static method) casts the specified client object to the ASPxClientReportDesigner type. As a result, the object’s type is now known and ASPxClientReportDesigner type specific IntelliSense information can be displayed for this client object, facilitating your coding.

The examples of this method application are as follows.

  • Converting the event source object passed to a client event’s handler:

    <ClientSideEvents Init="function(s, e) { 
        var clientObject = ASPxClientReportDesigner.Cast(s);
    }" />
  • Converting a client object accessed by using the value of the ClientInstanceName (or ID) property. For instance, if a web control’s ClientInstanceName property is set to ‘ASPxClientReportDesigner1’, the object can be type cast in the following manner:

    var clientObject = ASPxClientReportDesigner.Cast('ASPxClientReportDesigner1');

CloseCurrentTab Method

Closes the report tab currently being opened in the Web Report Designer.


CloseCurrentTab(): void

CloseTab(tab) Method

Closes the specified report tab avaialble the Web Report Designer silently or with the Save Report dialog.


    tab: DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Tools.NavigateTab,
    force?: boolean
): void


Name Type Description
tab NavigateTab

Specifies the Report Designer tab to close.

force boolean

true, to silently close the tab; false to show the Save Report dialog.


The CloseTab method enables you to close the required Report Designer tab. The force parameter determines whether to show the Save Report dialog if the assigned report contains unsaved changes.

  • If the parameter is set to true, the tab is closed silently without saving the changes and showing this dialog.
  • If the parameter is set to false, the Save Report dialog appears (the same behavior as when you call the CloseTab method without the force parameter).

To obtain all available Report Designer tabs, call the GetTabs method.

You can also use the CloseCurrentTab method to close the currently active tab.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use these methods.

 <script type="text/javascript">
    function CloseSecondTab() {
        var tabs = reportDesigner.GetTabs();

    function ForceCloseSecondTab() {
        var tabs = reportDesigner.GetTabs();
        reportDesigner.CloseTab(tabs[1], true);
    function CloseCurrentTab() {

<div onclick="CloseSecondTab()">Close the Second Tab</div>
<div onclick="ForceCloseSecondTab()">Force Close the Second Tab</div>
<div onclick="CloseCurrentTab()">Close the Current Tab</div>
<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner" runat="server"/>

You can handle the ReportTabClosing and ReportTabClosed events to respond to closing a report tab in the Web Report Designer.

GetButtonStorage Method

Returns actions performed by buttons available in the menu and toolbar of the Web Report Designer.


GetButtonStorage(): any


Type Description

An object that specifies button actions.


The following example demonstrates how to obtain actions of specific buttons and create custom buttons to perform these actions.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function newReport() {

    function saveReport() {

    function openReport() {

<div style="border: 1px solid black" onclick="newReport()">New Report</div>
<div style="border: 1px solid black" onclick="saveReport()">Save Report</div>
<div style="border: 1px solid black" onclick="openReport()">Open Report</div>

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">      

GetCurrentTab Method

Returns the currently active tab in the Web Report Designer.


GetCurrentTab(): DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Tools.NavigateTab


Type Description

An object that specifies the Report Designer tab.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to get the currently active tab and use its NavigateTab.refresh method to reopen an assigned report.

<script type="text/javascript">       
    function Refresh() {
        var tab = reportDesigner.GetCurrentTab();

<div onclick="Refresh()">Refresh</div>
<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner" runat="server" />

GetDesignerModel Method

Provides access to a client-side model of a Web Report Designer.


GetDesignerModel(): any


Type Description

A Object value.

GetJsonReportModel Method

Gets a client-side model of the currently opened report serialized to Json.


GetJsonReportModel(): string


Type Description

A string containing a report model.

GetParameterEditor(parameterType) Method

Returns a value editor associated with the specified parameter type.


    parameterType: string
): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.IEditorInfo


Name Type Description
parameterType string

A string that specifies a parameter type.


Type Description

An object that stores settings of a parameter editor.

See Also

GetParameterInfo(parameterType) Method

Returns an object that contains information on the specified parameter type.


    parameterType: string
): DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Data.IParameterType


Name Type Description
parameterType string

A string that specifies a parameter type.


Type Description

An object storing information on a parameter type.


Use the GetParameterInfo method to obtain information on a standard parameter type available in the Web End-User Report Designer. Afterwards, you can override the required settings to create a custom parameter type and provide it to end-users by calling the ASPxClientReportDesigner.AddParameterType method.

See Also

GetPreviewModel Method

Provides access to the Document Viewer’s client-side model.


GetPreviewModel(): DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.Utils.IPreviewModel


Type Description

An object specifying the preview model.


Call the GetPreviewModel method to obtain the Document Viewer’s client-side model and perform the required actions with the Document Viewer UI and the current document.

The code sample below demonstrates how to automatically collapse the Parameters panel after resetting parameter values in the ASPxClientReportDesigner.PreviewParametersReset event handler.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewParametersReset(s, e) {
        var preview = s.GetPreviewModel();
        if (preview) {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewParametersReset="previewParametersReset"/>  

GetPropertyInfo(controlType, path) Method

Returns information about the specified properties of the specified control.


    controlType: string,
    path: string | string[]
): DevExpress.Analytics.Utils.ISerializationInfo


Name Type Description
controlType string

A string that specifies the control type.

path string | string[]

An array of strings that specify paths to properties.


Type Description

An object that provides property information.


Call the GetPropertyInfo to obtain information about required properties of a report or its element.

The example below demonstrates how to use this method, and then customize properties of a report and label control.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
function init(s, e) {
    var info = s.GetPropertyInfo("DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport", ["Border Color"]);
    info.disabled = true;

    info = s.GetPropertyInfo("DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport", ["Watermark", "Image Alignment"]);
    info.visible = false;

    info = s.GetPropertyInfo("DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport", "Export Options.CSV Export Options.Separator");
    info.visible = false;

    info = s.GetPropertyInfo("XRLabel", "Can Grow");
    info.disabled = true;

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">        
    <ClientSideEvents Init="init"/> 

GetTabs Method

Returns all available Report Designer tabs.


GetTabs(): DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Tools.NavigateTab[]


Type Description

An array of objects that specify Report Designer tabs.


The GetTabs method allows you to obtain all tabs that are opened in the Web Report Designer.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this method to get all tabs and close the second tab.

 <script type="text/javascript">
    function CloseSecondTab() {
        var tabs = reportDesigner.GetTabs();

<div onclick="CloseSecondTab()">Close the Second Tab</div>
<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner" runat="server"/>

IsModified Method

Indicates whether or not the current ASPxClientReportDesigner instance has been modified.


IsModified(): boolean


Type Description

true if the Web Report Designer has been modified; otherwise false.

OpenReport(url) Method

Opens the specified report on the Web Report Designer’s client side.


    url: string
): void


Name Type Description
url string

A string that specifies the URL of a report to be opened.

See Also

PerformCallback(arg) Method

Sends a callback to the server and generates the server-side event, passing it the specified argument.


    arg: string,
    onSuccess?: (arg: string) => void
): void


Name Type Description
arg string

A string value that represents any information that needs to be sent to the server-side event.

onSuccess (arg: string) => void

A client action to perform if the server round-trip completed successfully.


Use the PerformCallback method if you need to asynchronously go to the server and perform server-side processing using AJAX-based callback technology. You can pass the required information which can be collected on the client side as a string of arguments using the PerformCallback method args parameter. The onSuccess parameter allows you to specify a client function that should be executed after the server round-trip completed successfully.

RemoveParameterType(parameterType) Method

Removes the specified parameter type from the Web End-User Report Designer.


    parameterType: string
): void


Name Type Description
parameterType string

A string that specifies a parameter type to be deleted.


Call the RemoveParameterType method to remove one of the parameter types available for end-users.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function init(s) {
        // Remove a date-time parameter type.

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="designer">
     <ClientSideEvents Init="init"/>

To register custom parameter types in the End-User Report Designer, use the ASPxClientReportDesigner.AddParameterType method.

See Also

ReportStorageGetData(url) Method

Returns the report layout stored in a report storage under the specified URL.


    url: string
): JQueryPromise<any>


Name Type Description
url string

A string that specifies the report URL.


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ReportStorageWebExtension.GetData method of a server-side report storage.

ReportStorageGetUrls Method

Returns the report URLs and display names existing in a report storage.


ReportStorageGetUrls(): JQueryPromise<any>


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ReportStorageWebExtension.GetUrls method of a server-side report storage.

ReportStorageSetData(reportLayout, url) Method

Stores the specified report to a report storage using the specified URL.


    reportLayout: string,
    url: string
): JQueryPromise<any>


Name Type Description
reportLayout string

A string that specifies the report layout to be saved.

url string

A string that specifies the URL used to save a report.


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ReportStorageWebExtension.SetData method of a server-side report storage.

ReportStorageSetNewData(reportLayout, url) Method

Stores the specified report to a report storage using a new URL.


    reportLayout: string,
    url: string
): JQueryPromise<any>


Name Type Description
reportLayout string

A string that specifies the report layout to be saved.

url string

A string that specifies the default report URL.


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ReportStorageWebExtension.SetNewData method of a server-side report storage.

ResetIsModified Method

Resets the value returned by the ASPxClientReportDesigner.IsModified method.


ResetIsModified(): void

RunWizard(wizardRunType) Method

Runs the wizard of the specified type.


    wizardRunType: DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Wizard.WizardRunType
): void


Name Type Description
wizardRunType WizardRunType

The wizard type to run.


The following example demonstrates how to add a button that runs the Report Wizard to create a new report.

<dx:ASPxButton ID="ASPxButton1" runat="server" Text="Run Wizard" AutoPostBack="False">
    <ClientSideEvents Click="function(s, e) { Designer.RunWizard('NewViaReportWizard');}" />

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="Designer">

SaveNewReport(reportName) Method

Saves the current report under a new name.


    reportName: string
): JQueryPromise<any>


Name Type Description
reportName string

A string that specifies the report name.


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportStorageSetNewData method to save the current report to a server-side report storage.

SaveReport Method

Saves the current report.


SaveReport(): JQueryPromise<any>


Type Description

A Deferred Promise object.


This method internally calls the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportStorageSetData method to save the current report to a server-side report storage.

See Also

ShowPreview Method

Switches the Web Report Designer to the preview mode.


ShowPreview(): void


The following example demonstrates how to display the Web Report Designer’s preview on control initialization.

  • ASP.NET WebForms

    <script type="text/javascript" id="script">
        function init(s, e) {
    <dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">
        <ClientSideEvents Init="init"/>

    @Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner(settings => {
        settings.Name = "ReportDesigner";
        settings.ClientSideEvents.Init = "function OnInit(s, e) { s.ShowPreview(); }";
    }).Bind(new XtraReport()).GetHtml()

UpdateLocalization(localization) Method

Updates the Report Designer properties’ localization settings.


UpdateLocalization(localization: { [key: string]: string; }): void


Name Type Description
localization {[key: string]: string}

A dictionary containing the property names, along with their localized equivalents.



The complete sample project How to Localize the Web Report Designer and Document Viewer Controls is available in the DevExpress Examples repository.

Use the UpdateLocalization method in the client-side ASPxClientReportDesigner.CustomizeLocalization event handler to substitute a particular localization string with the specified text.


You can use the satellite resource assemblies to translate all texts and then adjust the translation by handling the CustomizeLocalization event.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script"> 
    function customizeLocalization(s) {
            'Properties': 'Eigenschaften',
            'Data Source': 'Datenquelle',
            'Data Member': 'Datenelement'

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" >     
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeLocalization="customizeLocalization" />


Localization strings are case sensitive. A string is translated if you use correct case to specify it.

On a web page localized string values may be capitalized in a different manner.

To determine the localized string whose value you wish to change, look for the UI element with the browser’s Developer Tools, as illustrated in the following picture:


See Also


BeforeRender Event

Occurs before the Web Report Designer UI is initialized.


BeforeRender: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerBeforeRenderEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The BeforeRender event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerRenderModelEventArgs.


Handle the BeforeRender event to perform required actions before the Web Report Designer’s UI initialization.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this event to hide popular properties from the Properties Panel.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
     function BeforeRender(s, e) {
         e.popularVisible = ko.observable(false);

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents BeforeRender="BeforeRender"/>

BeginCallback Event

Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.


BeginCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientBeginCallbackEventHandler>

Event Data

The BeginCallback event's data class is ASPxClientBeginCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
command Gets a command name that identifies which client action forced a callback to occur.


Use the BeginCallback and ASPxClientReportDesigner.EndCallback events to perform specific client-side actions when a callback is being processed on a server.

See Also

CallbackError Event

Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by ASPxClientReportDesigner.


CallbackError: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCallbackErrorEventHandler>

Event Data

The CallbackError event's data class is ASPxClientCallbackErrorEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
handled Gets or sets whether the event is handled and the default error handling actions are not required.
message Gets the error message that describes the server error that occurred.


The CallbackError event enables you to properly respond to a server error occurring as a result of a callback being processed on the server side. Handle this event to perform specific client-side actions, such as displaying explanatory text or an image related to the error.

Typically, a server error which occurs during server-side processing of a callback, leads to web application hanging, because, in this case, no proper response is generated for a control that initiated the callback. However, AJAX-enabled web controls from the DevExpress product line are able to automatically catch server errors occurring within handlers of their server-side events, and to pass the related error information to the client for further processing through the CallbackError event’s argument.

To learn more, see the Handling Callback Exceptions on Client topic.

See Also

ComponentAdded Event

Occurs after a component has been added to the report currently being edited in the Web Report Designer.


ComponentAdded: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerComponentAddedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ComponentAdded event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerComponentAddedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Model Gets the model of a component that has been added to a report.
Parent Gets the parent of a component that has been added to a report.


The ComponentAdded event raises when an end-user drops a control from the Toolbox onto the report currently being edited in the Report Designer.

The code sample below demonstrates how to use this event to change the text and text alignment properties of label controls added to the report.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function componentAdded(s, e) {
        var model = e.Model;
        if (model.controlType === "XRLabel") {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents ComponentAdded="componentAdded"/>
See Also

CustomizeElements Event

Enables you to customize the Web Report Designer’s UI elements.


CustomizeElements: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeElementsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeElements event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Elements Provides access to the collection of UI elements.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetById(templateId) Returns UI elements with the specified ID.


The event argument provides access to the ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs.Elements collection containing all available elements of the Report Designer.

The ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs.GetById method allows you to obtain the required element by its ID using the DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Utils.ReportDesignerElements object. The following elements are available within this object:

  • MenuButton - corresponds to the menu button in the upper-left corner of the Designer’s user interfaces.
  • NavigationPanel - corresponds to the panel at the bottom of the Designer displaying opened report tabs.
  • RightPanel - corresponds to the panel at the right of the Designer and containing tabs with the Field List, Report Explorer and Properties Panel.
  • Surface - corresponds to the design surface.
  • Toolbar - corresponds to the Report Designer Toolbar.
  • Toolbox - corresponds to the Toolbox containing report controls.

The code sample below demonstrates how to use the CustomizeElements event to hide the Report Designer’s Toolbar.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function customizeElements(s, e) {
        var toolbarPart = e.GetById(DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Utils.ReportDesignerElements.Toolbar);
        var index = e.Elements.indexOf(toolbarPart);
        e.Elements.splice(index, 1);

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">        
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeElements="customizeElements"/> 

To customize elements of the Document Preview built into the Report Designer, handle the ASPxClientReportDesigner.PreviewCustomizeElements event.

See Also

CustomizeFieldListActions Event

Enables you to customize actions available in the Web Report Designer’s Field List.


CustomizeFieldListActions: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeFieldListActionsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeFieldListActions event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeFieldListActionsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Actions Provides access to the current item’s available actions.
Item Specifies the Field List’s item that is currently being processed.


The CustomizeFieldListActions event occurs for each item in the Field List panel.

The event argument’s Item property specifies an item that is currently being processed. The Actions collection contains the current item’s available actions.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to hide the Remove parameter action for a specific report parameter.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function customizeFieldListActions(s, e) {           
        if (e.Item instanceof DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Data.Parameter && e.Item.parameterName() === "parameter1") {
                var removeAction = e.Actions.filter(action => action.displayText() === "Remove parameter")[0];
            removeAction.visible = false;

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeFieldListActions="customizeFieldListActions"/>

CustomizeLocalization Event

Enables you to customize the Web Report Designer’s localization strings.


CustomizeLocalization: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeLocalizationEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeLocalization event's data class is ASPxClientEventArgs.



The complete sample project How to Localize the Web Report Designer and Document Viewer Controls is available in the DevExpress Examples repository.

Use the UpdateLocalization method in the client-side ASPxClientReportDesigner.CustomizeLocalization event handler to substitute a particular localization string with the specified text.


You can use the satellite resource assemblies to translate all texts and then adjust the translation by handling the CustomizeLocalization event.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script"> 
    function customizeLocalization(s) {
            'Properties': 'Eigenschaften',
            'Data Source': 'Datenquelle',
            'Data Member': 'Datenelement'

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" >     
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeLocalization="customizeLocalization" />


Localization strings are case sensitive. A string is translated if you use correct case to specify it.

On a web page localized string values may be capitalized in a different manner.

To determine the localized string whose value you wish to change, look for the UI element with the browser’s Developer Tools, as illustrated in the following picture:


See Also

CustomizeMenuActions Event

Enables you to customize the Web Report Designer’s menu actions.


CustomizeMenuActions: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeMenuActionsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeMenuActions event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeMenuActionsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Actions Provides access to the collection of actions available in the toolbar and menu.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetById(actionId) Returns a menu action with the specified ID.


The ASPxClientCustomizeMenuActionsEventArgs.Actions property of an event argument provides access to all commands available in the Report Designer Toolbar. To obtain an existing command, use the ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs.GetById method.

The code below demonstrates the CustomizeMenuActions event handler that hides an existing command and registers a custom one.

function CustomizeMenuActions(s, e) {
    var actions = e.Actions;

    //Get the "Save" action and hide it
    var saveAction = e.GetById(DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Actions.ActionId.Save);
    if (saveAction)
       saveAction.visible = false;

    //Add a new action
        text: "Custom Command",
        imageClassName: "customButton",
        disabled: ko.observable(false),
        visible: true,
        hasSeparator: true,
        // The clickAction handler receives the client-side report model 
        // allowing you interact with the currently opened report on the client. 
        clickAction: function (report) {
        hotKey: { ctrlKey: true, keyCode: "Z".charCodeAt(0) },
        container: "toolbar"

For more information, see the Customizing the Report Designer Toolbar document.

CustomizeOpenDialog Event

Enables you to customize the Open Report dialog of the Web Report Designer.


CustomizeOpenDialog: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeOpenDialogEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeOpenDialog event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeOpenDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Popup Provides access to the Open Report dialog.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
Customize(template, model) Customizes the Open Report dialog based on the specified template and model.


The Open Report dialog appears in the Web Report Designer when opening a report (when the user clicks the Open menu command).

To customize the Open dialog, handle the CustomizeOpenDialog event and call the e.Customize method.


The complete sample project How to Customize the Save As and Open Dialogs in the Web End-User Report Designer is available in the DevExpress Examples repository.

Report files in this example are arranged in folders in the root Reports folder. Folder names correspond to the report’s Category. The customized dialog displays report names and categories.

Custom Open Dialog

The Open dialog is defined in a HTML template.

The dialog model defines the properties used in the dialog template and binds them to Knockout observables. The model specifies the following functions:

  • to set the current report URL
  • to get the current report URL
  • to update the model’s properties when the dialog is displayed. The updateCategories JavaScript function is used.

The updateCategories function calls the client-side DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.ReportStorageWeb.getUrls method to obtain report names and categories. This method uses the ReportStorageWebExtension.GetUrls method of a server-side report storage to get a dictionary that contains report names and categories. The code processes the dictionary and fills the categories data array.

The model defines the dialog buttons and their actions. The Open button’s action calls the method and the Cancel button’s action calls the e.Popup.cancel method.

The dialog HTML template and dialog model are passed to the e.Customize(template, model) method to modify the Report Designer’s Open dialog. This method is available in the CustomizeOpenDialog event handler.

The customizeOpenDialog function is the CustomizeOpenDialog event handler. The function uses the ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeOpenDialogEventArgs.Popup property to specify the dialog’s width, height, and title. The function defines variables used in the dialog model and defines the dialog model. Finally, the function calls the e.Customize method to modify the dialog based on the specified model and template.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function addReport(url, category, categoryArray, categoryName, reportName, value, koCategory) {
        if(category.length === 0) {
                key: categoryName, items: [
                        text: value.Key, displayName: reportName,
                        onClick: function () { url(value.Key); koCategory && koCategory(categoryName); }
        } else {
                text: value.Key, displayName: reportName,
                onClick: function () { url(value.Key); koCategory && koCategory(categoryName); }

    function updateCategories(url, categories, koCategory) {
        DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.ReportStorageWeb.getUrls().done(function(result) {
            var categoryArray = [{ key: "none", items: [] }];
            for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                var parts = result[i].Value.split('\\');
                var folder = parts[0];
                var reportName = parts[1];
                if(parts.length === 1) {
                    reportName = parts[0];
                    folder = "none";
                } else if (parts.length > 2) {
                    reportName = parts.pop();
                    folder = parts.join('\\');
                var category = categoryArray.filter(function(item) { return item.key === folder; });
                addReport(url, category, categoryArray, folder, reportName, result[i], koCategory);

    function customizeOpenDialog(s, e) {
        e.Popup.title = "Open";
        var categories = ko.observableArray([]);
        var koUrl = ko.observable("");
        var koInput = ko.observable("");
        updateCategories(koUrl, categories);

        var model = {
            categories: categories,
            reportUrl: koUrl,
            inputValue: koInput,
            setUrl: function(url) {
            getUrl: function() {
                return koUrl();
            onShow: function(tab) {
                updateCategories(koUrl, categories);
            popupButtons: [
                    toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'Open', onClick: function() {
                    toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'Cancel', onClick: function() {
        e.Customize("open", model)
    .dxrd-reportdialog-content .reportdialog-item.dx-texteditor:not(.dx-multiline):not(.dx-textarea) {
        height: 36px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;

<script type="text/html" id="open">
    <div class="dxrd-reportdialog-content">
        <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;" data-bind="dxTextBox: { height: 36, value: inputValue, 
             valueChangeEvent: 'keyup', placeholder: 'Enter text to search...', showClearButton: true }"></div>
        <div class="dx-default-border-style dxd-border-secondary" data-bind="dxList: {
                    dataSource: categories,
                    height: '260px',
                    grouped: true,
                    searchExpr: 'text',
                    searchValue: inputValue,
                    displayExpr: 'displayName',
                    keyExpr: 'text',
                    collapsibleGroups: true,

@Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner(settings =>
    settings.Name = "ReportDesigner1";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.CustomizeOpenDialog = "customizeOpenDialog";
See Also

CustomizeParameterEditors Event

Occurs each time a standard editor is created for a report parameter based on a parameter type.


CustomizeParameterEditors: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeParameterEditorsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeParameterEditors event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeParameterEditorsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
info Provides access to an object that stores information required to serialize a parameter editor.
parameter Provides access to an object that stores information about a parameter.


Handle the CustomizeParameterEditors event to provide custom editors for report parameters. Check the event argument’s parameter property to identify a report parameter.

You can use the following ways to specify a custom editor:

Create an HTML Template

Define a custom HTML template and use the info.editor property to specify a header variable with the template name.

The following example demonstrates how to provide a custom dxNumberBox parameter editor with the enabled spin buttons and limited minimum and maximum values.

<script type ="text/html" id="categoryID-custom-editor">
    <div data-bind="dxNumberBox: { value: value, showSpinButtons: true, min: 1, max: 8 }"> </div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function CustomizeParameterEditors(s, e) {
      if ( == "categoryID") {
 = { header: 'categoryID-custom-editor' };

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server"> 
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeParameterEditors="CustomizeParameterEditors" />

See Provide Custom Editors for Report Parameters for more information.

Customize Editor Options

Use the info.editor.extendedOptions property to customize the corresponding DevExtreme UI Widget options.

The following example shows how to show a calendar editor without a time part.

<script type ="text/html" id="categoryID-custom-editor">
    <div data-bind="dxNumberBox: { value: value, showSpinButtons: true, min: 1, max: 8 }"> </div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function CustomizeParameterEditors(s, e) {
      if (e.parameter.type === 'System.DateTime') {
 = $.extend({},;
 = $.extend( || {}, { type: 'date' });

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server"> 
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeParameterEditors="CustomizeParameterEditors" />

CustomizeParameterLookUpSource Event

Occurs each time a look-up editor is created for a report parameter.


CustomizeParameterLookUpSource: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeParameterLookUpSource event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeParameterLookUpSourceEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
dataSource Specifies the data source that provides look-up values for the parameter editor.
items Provides access to the collection of look-up parameter values.
parameter Provides access to an object that stores information about a parameter.


Handle the CustomizeParameterLookUpSource event to customize look-up parameter values.

The following example demonstrates how to sort look-up values of the categoryName parameter based on a custom rule. Declare an array that has category names in a sequence based on the required criterion. Then, check the parameter property of the event argument to identify the required parameter. Access look-up values using the items property and sort them using a custom sorting function, which compares indexes of categories in the array. Finally, pass a result to the dataSource property to apply changes.

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeParameterLookUpSource="function(s, e) {
        var sortRule = ['Produce', 'Meat/Poultry', 'Dairy Products',
            'Grains/Cereals', 'Seafood', 'Confections', 'Condiments', 'Beverages'];

        if( == 'categoryName') {
            e.items.sort(function(a, b) { 
                if (sortRule.indexOf(a.value) > sortRule.indexOf(b.value)) {
                    return 1;
                if (sortRule.indexOf(a.value) < sortRule.indexOf(b.value)) {
                    return -1;
                return 0;
            e.dataSource = new{ store: e.items});
See Also

CustomizeSaveAsDialog Event

Enables you to customize the Save Report dialog of the Web Report Designer.


CustomizeSaveAsDialog: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeSaveAsDialogEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeSaveAsDialog event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeSaveAsDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Popup Provides access to the Save Report dialog.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
Customize(template, model) Customizes the Save Report dialog based on the specified template and model.


The End-User Report Designer invokes the Save As dialog when the user executes the Save As… command to save a report with a new name.

To customize the Save As dialog, handle the CustomizeSaveAsDialog event and call the e.Customize method.


The complete sample project How to Customize the Save As and Open Dialogs in the Web End-User Report Designer is available in the DevExpress Examples repository.

Report files in this example are arranged in folders in the root Reports folder. Folder names correspond to the report’s Category. The customized dialog displays report names and categories.

Custom Save As Dialog

The Save As dialog is defined in a HTML template.

The dialog model defines the properties used in the dialog template and binds them to Knockout observables. The model specifies the following functions:

  • to set the current report URL
  • to get the current report URL
  • to update the model’s properties when the dialog is displayed. The updateCategories JavaScript function is used.

The updateCategories function calls the client-side DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.ReportStorageWeb.getUrls method to obtain report names and categories. This method uses the ReportStorageWebExtension.GetUrls method of a server-side report storage to get a dictionary that contains report names and categories. The code processes the dictionary and fills the categories data array.

The model defines the dialog buttons and their actions. The Save button’s action calls the method and the Cancel button’s action calls the e.Popup.cancel method.

The dialog HTML template and dialog model are passed to the e.Customize(template, model) method to modify the Report Designer’s Save As dialog. This method is available in the CustomizeSaveAsDialog event handler.

The customizeSaveAsDialog function is the CustomizeSaveAsDialog event handler. The function uses the ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeSaveAsDialogEventArgs.Popup property to specify the dialog’s width, height, and title. The function defines variables used in the dialog model and defines the dialog model. Finally, the function calls the e.Customize method to modify the dialog based on the specified model and template.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function addReport(url, category, categoryArray, categoryName, reportName, value, koCategory) {
        if(category.length === 0) {
                key: categoryName, items: [
                        text: value.Key, displayName: reportName,
                        onClick: function () { url(value.Key); koCategory && koCategory(categoryName); }
        } else {
                text: value.Key, displayName: reportName,
                onClick: function () { url(value.Key); koCategory && koCategory(categoryName); }

    function updateCategories(url, categories, koCategory) {
        DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.ReportStorageWeb.getUrls().done(function(result) {
            var categoryArray = [{ key: "none", items: [] }];
            for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                var parts = result[i].Value.split('\\');
                var folder = parts[0];
                var reportName = parts[1];
                if(parts.length === 1) {
                    reportName = parts[0];
                    folder = "none";
                } else if (parts.length > 2) {
                    reportName = parts.pop();
                    folder = parts.join('\\');
                var category = categoryArray.filter(function(item) { return item.key === folder; });
                addReport(url, category, categoryArray, folder, reportName, result[i], koCategory);

    function customizeSaveAsDialog(s, e) {
        e.Popup.title = "Save";
        var categories = ko.observableArray([]);
        var koUrl = ko.observable("");
        var koInput = ko.observable("");
        koUrl.subscribe(function(newVal) {
            newVal = newVal.replace('/', '\\');
            var paths = newVal.split('\\');
            var fileName = paths.pop();
            if(fileName !== koInput())
            var catName = paths.join('\\');
            if(catName !== koCategory())
        var koCategory = ko.observable("");
        updateCategories(koUrl, categories);

        var model = {
            categories: categories,
            categoryName: koCategory,
            reportUrl: koUrl,
            inputValue: koInput,
            setUrl: function(url) {
            getUrl: function() {
                return koUrl();
            onShow: function(tab) {
                updateCategories(koUrl, categories, koCategory);
            popupButtons: [
                    toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'Save', onClick: function() {
                    toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'Cancel', onClick: function() {
        e.Customize("save-as", model)
    .dxrd-reportdialog-content .reportdialog-item.dx-texteditor:not(.dx-multiline):not(.dx-textarea) {
        height: 36px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
<script type="text/html" id="save-as">
    <div class="dxrd-reportdialog-content">
        <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;" data-bind="dxTextBox: { height: 36, value: inputValue, valueChangeEvent: 'keyup', 
             onValueChanged: function (e) { reportUrl(categoryName() ? (categoryName() + '\\' + e.value) : e.value);}, 
             placeholder: 'Enter a report name to save...', showClearButton: true }"></div>
        <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;" data-bind="dxSelectBox: {
                                    height: 36,
                                    dataSource: categories,
                                    value: categoryName,
                                    keyExpr: 'key',
                                    valueExpr: 'key',
                                    displayExpr: 'key',
                                    acceptCustomValue: true,
                                    placeholder: 'Select a category...',
                                    onCustomItemCreating: function(data) {
                                        if(!data.text) {
                                            data.customItem = null;
                                        categories.push({key: data.text, items: [] })
                                        reportUrl(data.text + '\\' + inputValue());
                                        data.customItem = {
                                            key: data.text,
                                            items: []
        <div class="dx-default-border-style dxd-border-secondary" data-bind="dxList: {
                    dataSource: categories,
                    height: '260px',
                    grouped: true,
                    displayExpr: 'displayName',
                    keyExpr: 'text',
                    collapsibleGroups: true,

@Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner(settings =>
    settings.Name = "ReportDesigner1";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.CustomizeSaveAsDialog = "customizeSaveAsDialog";
See Also

CustomizeSaveDialog Event

Enables you to customize the Save dialog of the Web Report Designer.


CustomizeSaveDialog: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeSaveDialogEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeSaveDialog event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeSaveDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Popup Provides access to the Save dialog.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
Customize(template, model) Customizes the Save dialog based on the specified template and model.


The Save dialog appears in the Web Report Designer on an attempt to close a report that has been changed.

Handle the CustomizeSaveDialog event to customize this dialog, for instance, as demonstrated in the example below.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function customizeSaveDialog(s, e) {
        e.Popup.title = "Save";
        var koUrl = ko.observable("");
        var model = {
            setUrl: function (url) {
            getUrl: function () {
                return koUrl();
            onShow: function (tab) { },
            popupButtons: [
                { toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'Yes', onClick: function () {
                { toolbar: 'bottom', location: 'after', widget: 'button', options: {
                        text: 'No', onClick: function () {
        e.Customize("save-this", model)

<script type="text/html" id="save-this">
        <div>Do you want to save changes?</div>

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeSaveDialog="customizeSaveDialog"/>
See Also

CustomizeToolbox Event

Enables you to customize the Toolbox of the Web Report Designer.


CustomizeToolbox: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeToolboxEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeToolbox event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeToolboxEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ControlsFactory Provides information about all controls available in the Toolbox.


Use the client-side CustomizeToolbox event to customize the Report Designer Toolbox. The ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeToolboxEventArgs.ControlsFactory event argument provides information about all controls available in the Toolbox. To register a custom control, use the ControlsFactory.registerControl method, which accepts the control name and object storing information about a custom toolbox item.

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a custom control, see Registering a Custom Control in the Report Designer Toolbox.

CustomizeWizard Event

Enables you to customize the Web Report Designer’s Report Wizard and Data Source Wizard.


CustomizeWizard: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeWizardEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The CustomizeWizard event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerCustomizeWizardEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Type Specifies the wizard type.
Wizard Specifies the wizard.


The event’s argument has the following properties:

  • Type - to identify the wizard type.
  • Wizard - to access the wizard itself. Use the Wizard‘s events collection to handle wizard events.
<script type="text/javascript">
    function beforeInit(args) {
       // ...

    function CustomizeWizard(s, e) {
        if (e.Type === "ReportWizard") {
  "beforeInitialize", beforeInit)

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents CustomizeWizard="CustomizeWizard" />

See the following topics for more information:

EndCallback Event

Occurs on the client after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.


EndCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientEndCallbackEventHandler>

Event Data

The EndCallback event's data class is ASPxClientEndCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
command Gets a command name that identifies which client action forced a callback to occur.


Use the ASPxClientReportDesigner.BeginCallback and EndCallback events to perform specific client-side actions when a callback is being processed on a server.

See Also

ExitDesigner Event

Occurs on the client side when the Report Designer is being closed.


ExitDesigner: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerExitDesignerEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ExitDesigner event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerExitDesignerEventArgs.

OnServerError Event

Occurs on the client each time a server-side error raises.


OnServerError: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerErrorEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The OnServerError event's data class is ASPxClientErrorEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Error Provides access to information about a server-side error.


Handle the OnServerError event to perform actions when an Ajax request completes with an error.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to show an alert box when any internal server error occurs.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function onError(s, e) {
        alert("Internal Server Error occurs");

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">        
    <ClientSideEvents OnServerError="onError"/> 

PreviewClick Event

Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked on a report document in Print Preview.


PreviewClick: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerPreviewClickEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewClick event's data class is ASPxClientPreviewClickEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Brick Provides information on a visual brick representing content of a report control that has been clicked.
Handled Specifies whether or not the event was handled and no default processing is required.
PageIndex Gets a value specifying the zero-based index of the page that has been clicked.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
DefaultHandler Specifies the default function used to handle the ASPxClientWebDocumentViewer.PreviewClick event.
GetBrickText Returns the text displayed by the ASPxClientPreviewClickEventArgs.Brick.
GetBrickValue Returns a string providing additional information about the current ASPxClientPreviewClickEventArgs.Brick by the specified key.


Handle the PreviewClick event to perform different actions when an end-user clicks the report document in the Document Viewer built into the Web Report Designer. You can obtain a text displayed by the corresponding report element using the ASPxClientPreviewClickEventArgs.GetBrickText method and additional brick information (the XRControl.Tag property value) using the ASPxClientPreviewClickEventArgs.GetBrickValue method.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to obtain the text of an element that has been clicked.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewClick(s, e) {
        e.Brick && alert(e.GetBrickText())

<dx:ASPxWebDocumentViewer ID="ASPxWebDocumentViewer1" runat="server" ReportSourceId="WebReportDesigner.XtraReport1">
     <ClientSideEvents PreviewClick="previewClick"/>

PreviewCustomizeElements Event

Enables you to customize UI elements of a Document Viewer built into a Web Report Designer.


PreviewCustomizeElements: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeElementsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewCustomizeElements event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Elements Provides access to the collection of UI elements.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetById(templateId) Returns UI elements with the specified ID.


The event argument provides access to the ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs.Elements collection containing all available elements of the Document Viewer.

The ASPxClientCustomizeElementsEventArgs.GetById method allows you to obtain the required element by its ID using the DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.PreviewElements object. The following elements are available within this object:

  • RightPanel - corresponds to the panel at the right of the Viewer and containing tabs with the Document Map, Parameters, Export Options and Search Panel.
  • Surface - corresponds to the Viewer’s central part displaying the report document.
  • Toolbar - corresponds to the Document Viewer’s Toolbar.

The code sample below demonstrates how to use the PreviewCustomizeElements event to hide the Document Viewer Toolbar.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewCustomizeElements(s, e) {
        var toolbarPart = e.GetById(DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.PreviewElements.Toolbar);
        var index = e.Elements.indexOf(toolbarPart);
        e.Elements.splice(index, 1);

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewCustomizeElements="previewCustomizeElements"/> 

PreviewCustomizeExportOptions Event

Allows you to customize available export formats and corresponding export options in a Document Viewer built into a Web Report Designer.


PreviewCustomizeExportOptions: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeExportOptionsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewCustomizeExportOptions event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeExportOptionsEventArgs.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetExportOptionsModel(format) Returns the export options model for the specified export format.
HideExportOptionsPanel Hides the entire Export Options panel from the Web Document Viewer.
HideFormat(format) Hides the specified export format from the Export To drop-down list and the corresponding category from the Export Options panel.
HideProperties(format, properties) Hides the specified options for the specified export format from the Export Options panel.


The event argument provides the following methods:

  • HideExportOptionsPanel - Hides the entire Export Options panel.

    function customizeExportOptions(s, e) {
  • HideFormat - Hides the specified export format from the Export To drop-down list and the corresponding category from the Export Options panel.

    function customizeExportOptions(s, e) {
  • HideProperties - Hides the specified options for the specified export format from the Export Options panel. To remove all options for a particular export format, specify only the first method parameter.

    function customizeExportOptions(s, e) {            
        e.HideProperties(DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.ExportFormatID.XLS, "ExportMode", "PageRange");
  • GetExportOptionsModel - Returns the export options model for the specified export format. You can then use this model to customize various export options, for instance, change a specific option’s default value.

    function customizeExportOptions(s, e) {     
        var model = e.GetExportOptionsModel(DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.ExportFormatID.XLS);
<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewCustomizeExportOptions="customizeExportOptions"/>

To pass a required format to the methods listed above, use the DevExpress.Reporting.Viewer.ExportFormatID enumeration values: CSV, DOCX, HTML, Image, MHT, PDF, RTF, Text, XLS or XLSX.

PreviewCustomizeMenuActions Event

Enables you to customize the actions of a Document Viewer built into a Web Report Designer.


PreviewCustomizeMenuActions: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerCustomizeMenuActionsEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewCustomizeMenuActions event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeMenuActionsEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Actions Provides access to the collection of actions available in the toolbar and menu.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetById(actionId) Returns a menu action with the specified ID.


For examples of customizing menu actions, refer to Customizing the Report Designer Toolbar and Customizing the Document Viewer Toolbar in ASP.NET .

See Also

PreviewDocumentReady Event

Occurs after a report has been switched to Print Preview.


PreviewDocumentReady: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerDocumentReadyEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewDocumentReady event's data class is ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerDocumentReadyEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DocumentId Specifies the report document ID.
PageCount Specifies the total number of pages in a report document.
ReportId Specifies the report ID.


Handle the PreviewDocumentReady event to respond to loading a report to the Document Viewer built into the Web Report Designer.

The code snippet below demonstrates how to use this event to navigate through pages of a ready document. The ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerDocumentReadyEventArgs.PageCount field of an event argument specifies the total number of pages in the loaded document.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewDocumentReady(s, e) {
        var previewModel = s.GetPreviewModel();
        var goToNextPage = function () {
            var pageIndex = previewModel.GetCurrentPageIndex();
            if (e.PageCount <= pageIndex)
            previewModel.GoToPage(pageIndex + 1);
            setTimeout(function () { goToNextPage(); }, 3000);

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewDocumentReady="previewDocumentReady"/>  

PreviewEditingFieldChanged Event

Occurs each time an editing field’s value changes in Print Preview.


PreviewEditingFieldChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerEditingFieldChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewEditingFieldChanged event's data class is ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerEditingFieldChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Field Gets an editing field whose value has been changed.
NewValue Provides access to a new value of an editing field.
OldValue Provides access to a previous value of an editing field.


Each time the current field value changes, the PreviewEditingFieldChanged event occurs, allowing you to respond to this action (for instance, validate input data or format the edited value).

The example below demonstrates how to change an editing field’s value to the previous value if the new value does not meet the required conditions.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewEditingFieldChanged(s, e) {
        if (( === "UnitsInStock") && (e.NewValue > 100))
            e.NewValue = e.OldValue;

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewEditingFieldChanged="previewEditingFieldChanged"/>  

PreviewParametersReset Event

Occurs after report parameter values are reset to their default values in Print Preview.


PreviewParametersReset: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerParametersResetEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewParametersReset event's data class is ASPxClientParametersResetEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Parameters Provides access to report parameters whose values have been reset.
ParametersViewModel Provides access to a View Model for report parameters.


The PreviewParametersReset event fires each time report parameter values are reset (for instance, when an end-user presses the Reset button in the Parameters panel).

The code sample below demonstrates how to use this event to automatically collapse the Parameters panel after resetting parameter values.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewParametersReset(s, e) {
        var preview = s.GetPreviewModel();
        if (preview) {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewParametersReset="previewParametersReset"/>  
See Also

PreviewParametersSubmitted Event

Occurs after report parameter values are submitted in Print Preview.


PreviewParametersSubmitted: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientWebDocumentViewerParametersSubmittedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The PreviewParametersSubmitted event's data class is ASPxClientParametersSubmittedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:



The PreviewParametersSubmitted event fires when all parameter values have been entered in the Parameters panel and the Submit button has been pressed.

You can handle this event to check values of requested report parameters, or to automatically collapse the Parameters panel, as demonstrated below.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function previewParametersSubmitted(s, e) {
        var preview = s.GetPreviewModel();
        if (preview) {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">      
    <ClientSideEvents PreviewParametersSubmitted="previewParametersSubmitted"/>  
See Also

ReportOpened Event

Occurs when a report has been opened in the Web Report Designer.


ReportOpened: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportOpenedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportOpened event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Report Specifies the report currently being processed.
Url Specifies the URL of the report currently being processed.


Handle the ReportOpened event to respond to opening a report in the Web Report Designer.

The following example demonstrates how to use this event to change the system of measurement for an opened report.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function reportOpened(s, e) {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">  
    <ClientSideEvents ReportOpened="reportOpened" />   

To perform required actions before a report is opened in the Report Designer, handle the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportOpening event.

See Also

ReportOpening Event

Occurs when a report is about to be opened in the Web Report Designer.


ReportOpening: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportOpeningEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportOpening event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogCancelEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Specifies whether or not the operation performed with a report should be canceled.
Report Specifies the report currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs.
Url Specifies the URL of the report currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs.


Handle the ReportOpening event to perform required actions before a report is opened in the Web Report Designer. To prevent the report from being opened, set the ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogCancelEventArgs.Cancel property of an event argument to true.

The following example demonstrates how to use this event to prohibit opening reports with URLs containing a specific substring.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function reportOpening(s, e) {
        if (e.Url.toLowerCase().includes("table"))
            e.Cancel = true;

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">  
    <ClientSideEvents ReportOpening="reportOpening" />   

To customize the report after it has been opened, handle the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportOpened event.

See Also

ReportSaved Event

Occurs when a report has been saved in the Web Report Designer.


ReportSaved: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportSavedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportSaved event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Report Specifies the report currently being processed.
Url Specifies the URL of the report currently being processed.


Handle the ReportSaved event to respond to saving a report to a server-side report storage of the Web Report Designer.

The following example demonstrates how to close the tab displaying the report that has been saved.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function reportSaved(s, e) {

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">     
    <ClientSideEvents ReportSaved="reportSaved"/>   

To perform required actions when a report is about to be saved, handle the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportSaving event.

See Also

ReportSaving Event

Occurs when a report is about to be saved in the Web Report Designer.


ReportSaving: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportSavingEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportSaving event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerReportSavingDialogEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Specifies whether or not the operation performed with a report should be canceled. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogCancelEventArgs.
Dialog Allows you to close the Save Report dialog.
Report Specifies the report currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs.
Url Specifies the URL of the report currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerDialogEventArgs.


Handle the ReportSaving event to perform custom actions before a report is saved to a server storage. To cancel a save operation, set the e.Cancel property to true. To close the Save Report dialog (if it is invoked), set the visible property of the e.Dialog object to false.

The following example demonstrates how to not save reports with specific names. When the user executes the Save as… command, the Save Report dialog is invoked. The user enters the report’s name and clicks the Save button. The actions are as follows:

  • if a report name contains 3 symbols or less, the report is not saved and the dialog remains open;
  • if a report name contains ‘table’, the report is not saved and the dialog closes.


<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function onReportSaving(s, e) {
        if (e.Url.toLowerCase().includes("table")) {
            e.Cancel = true;
            if (e.Dialog)
        if (e.Url.length <= 3)
            e.Cancel = true;

@Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner(settings => {
    settings.Name = "ReportDesigner1";
    settings.ClientSideEvents.ReportSaving = "onReportSaving";

After the report is saved, the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportSaved event is raised.

See Also

ReportTabClosed Event

Occurs when a report tab was closed in the Web Report Designer.


ReportTabClosed: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportTabClosedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportTabClosed event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerTabEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Tab Specifies the report tab currently being processed.


Handle the ReportTabClosed event to respond to closing a report tab in the Web Report Designer.

The following example demonstrates how to use this event to show an information message about closing the tab.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function reportTabClosed(s, e) {
        alert("The " + e.Tab.displayName() + " tab was closed.");

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">  
    <ClientSideEvents ReportTabClosed="reportTabClosed"/>   

To perform required actions before a report tab is closed in the Report Designer, handle the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportTabClosing event.

See Also

ReportTabClosing Event

Occurs when a report tab is about to be closed in the Web Report Designer.


ReportTabClosing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerReportTabClosingEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The ReportTabClosing event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerTabClosingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Handled Specifies whether or not the event was handled.
ReadyToClose Specifies the JQuery Deferred object, which when resolved, forces the report tab to be closed.
Tab Specifies the report tab currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientReportDesignerTabEventArgs.


Handle the ReportTabClosing event to perform required actions before a report tab is closed in the Web Report Designer.

The following example demonstrates how to use this event to prevent closing a specific report tab.

<script type="text/javascript" id="script">
    function reportTabClosing(s, e) {
        if (e.Tab.displayName() === "Invoice") {
            e.Handled = true;

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="reportDesigner">  
    <ClientSideEvents ReportTabClosing="reportTabClosing"/>   

After the report tab was closed, the ASPxClientReportDesigner.ReportTabClosed event occurs.

See Also

SaveCommandExecute Event

Occurs when executing the Save command on the client.


SaveCommandExecute: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerSaveCommandExecuteEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The SaveCommandExecute event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerSaveCommandExecuteEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
handled Specifies whether or not the event was handled.

TabChanged Event

Occurs when an active report tab was changed in the Web Report Designer.


TabChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientReportDesignerTabChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientReportDesigner>>

Event Data

The TabChanged event's data class is ASPxClientReportDesignerTabEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Tab Specifies the report tab currently being processed.


Handle the TabChanged event to respond to changing the currently active tab in the Web Report Designer.

The following example demonstrates how to use this event to show an information message about switching to another tab.

<script type="text/javascript">      
    function TabChaged(s, e) {
        alert("The tab was changed to " + e.Tab.displayName());

<dx:ASPxReportDesigner ID="ASPxReportDesigner1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents TabChanged="TabChaged" />

You can use the GetCurrentTab method to obtain the active Report Designer tab.