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Use Custom Icons for Field List Items

  • 2 minutes to read

View Example: Reporting for WinForms - Custom Icons for Field List Items in the End-User Designer

The following code snippet implements and registers a DevExpress.Data.Browsing.Design.ColumnImageProvider descendant that returns a custom SVG image to be displayed as an icon for the CategoryName field in the Field List:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
// ...

namespace FieldListCustomIcons {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {

        public Form1() {
            DevExpress.Data.Browsing.Design.ColumnImageProvider.Instance = new CustomColumnImageProvider();

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            XtraReport1 report = new XtraReport1();
            ReportDesignTool designTool = new ReportDesignTool(report);
using System.ComponentModel;
using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.Utils.Svg;

namespace FieldListCustomIcons {

    class CustomColumnImageProvider : DevExpress.Data.Browsing.Design.ColumnImageProvider {
        int categoryNameIndex;

        public override int GetColumnImageIndex(PropertyDescriptor property, 
            DevExpress.Data.Browsing.Design.TypeSpecifics specifics) {
            if (property.Name.Equals("CategoryName"))
                return categoryNameIndex;
            return base.GetColumnImageIndex(property, specifics);
        public override SvgImageCollection CreateSvgImageCollection() {
            SvgImageCollection result = base.CreateSvgImageCollection();
            SvgImage image = new SvgImage(typeof(CustomColumnImageProvider), "FieldListCustomIcons.StarIcon.svg");

            categoryNameIndex = result.Count - 1;

            return result;


The result is shown in the following image:


See Also