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Provide a Client Part to the Client-Server Reporting Application

  • 2 minutes to read

This document provides general information on how to publish a document generated by a Report Service in a client-side application under one of the supported platforms.

General Information

To obtain a remotely created document, supply the client-side reporting application (under any platform) with the following information:

  • Report Service URI - the universal resource identifier of the server-side report service, which generates a document;
  • Report Name - the name of the remote report. The report name can be in either a standard or a custom format.

    A report name in a standard format must contain the name of the report class, including the namespace and the name of its assembly. The report class name and the assembly name are separated by a comma, as illustrated in the following example: “WebApplication1.XtraReport1, WebApplication1“.

    A custom report name is determined by the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) extension of a custom implementation of the IReportResolver interface. The following code demonstrates an implementation of a report name resolver.

    using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
    using DevExpress.XtraReports.Service.Extensions;
    namespace DXReportService_ReportProvider.Web {
        public class ReportResolver : IReportResolver {
            public DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport Resolve(string reportName, bool getParameters) {
                if(reportName == "MyReport") {
                    return new XtraReport1();
                return null;

    For additional information on how to extend the Report Service functionality using MEF extensions, refer to the Extend a Report Service with Custom Functionality topic.

Platform Specific Topics

This section of the document lists tutorials that describe how to provide a client-side preview for a remotely generated document under all supported platforms.
