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LambertConformalConicCartesianToGeoConverter(Ellipsoid, Double, Double, GeoPoint, Double, Double, Double) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the LambertConformalConicCartesianToGeoConverter class with the specified parameters.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraMap

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraMap.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Map


public LambertConformalConicCartesianToGeoConverter(
    Ellipsoid ellipsoid,
    double falseEasting,
    double falseNorthing,
    GeoPoint projectionCenter,
    double standardParallelN,
    double standardParallelS,
    double primeMeridian


Name Type Description
ellipsoid Ellipsoid

The ellipsoid used to convert a Cartesian coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

falseEasting Double

The false easting used to convert a Cartesian coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

falseNorthing Double

The false northing used to convert a Cartesian coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

projectionCenter GeoPoint

The central meridian and the latitude of the projection’s origin used to convert a Cartesian coordinate system to the geographic coordinate system.

standardParallelN Double

The value of the north standard parallel.

standardParallelS Double

The value of the south standard parallel.

primeMeridian Double

The prime meridian of the Geo coordinate system.

See Also