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DataControlBase Methods
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Serves as a base for classes that represents data-aware controls (e.g. GridControl).
Name Description
BeginDataUpdate() Prevents visual and internal data updates until the DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate method is called.
BeginSelection() Prevents selection updates until the DataControlBase.EndSelection method is called.
ClearColumnFilter(ColumnBase) Removes the filter condition applied to the specified column.
ClearColumnFilter(String) Removes the filter condition applied to the specified column.
ClearSorting() Clears the sorting applied to the grid.
CommitEditing() Hides the active editor and posts all the changes made within the focused row to a data source if the row values are valid.
CopyToClipboard() Copies selected rows/cells to the clipboard.
EndDataUpdate() Enables visual and internal data updates after the DataControlBase.BeginDataUpdate method call, and updates the grid.
EndSelection() Enables selection updates after calling the DataControlBase.BeginSelection method, and forces an immediate update.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetCellElementByRowHandleAndColumn(Int32, ColumnBase) Returns the specified cell’s UI element.
GetColumnFilterCriteria(ColumnBase) Returns a filter applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterCriteria(String) Returns a filter applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterString(ColumnBase) Returns a filter expression applied to the specified column.
GetColumnFilterString(String) Returns a filter expression applied to the specified column.
GetRowElementByRowHandle(Int32) Returns a UI element that is the specified row.
GetTotalSummaryValue(SummaryItemBase) Returns the value of the specified total summary item.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HideEditor() Closes the active editor, discarding all the changes made.
IsCellSelected(Int32, ColumnBase) Indicates whether the specified cell is selected.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Indicates whether the specified row is selected.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MergeColumnFilters(CriteriaOperator) Combines the specified filter with the grid’s current filter with the AND operator.
MergeColumnFilters(String) Combines the specified filter with the grid’s current filter with the AND operator.
MoveColumnTo(ColumnBase, Int32) Moves the specified column to the specified position.
MoveFirstRow() Moves focus to the first visible row within a grid.
MoveLastRow() Moves focus to the last visible row within a grid.
MoveNextPage() Moves focus forward to the bottom row displayed onscreen within a grid.
MoveNextRow() Moves focus to the row following the one currently focused.
MovePrevPage() Moves focus backward to the top row displayed onscreen within a grid.
MovePrevRow(Boolean) Moves focus to the row that precedes the focused row, and specifies whether this method can focus the Automatic Filter Row.
PasteFromClipboard() Pastes clipboard data to the GridControl.
PostEditor() Saves the active editor’s value to a data source without closing the editor.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshData() Updates the control data.
ScrollIntoView(ColumnBase) Makes the specified column visible onscreen.
ScrollIntoView(Int32) Makes the specified row visible onscreen.
ScrollIntoView(Object) Makes the specified row visible onscreen.
SelectAll() Selects all items within a grid.
SelectCell(Int32, ColumnBase) Selects the specified cell.
SelectCells(Int32, ColumnBase, Int32, ColumnBase) Selects multiple cells.
SelectItem(Int32) Selects the specified row.
SelectItem(Object) Selects the specified item.
SelectRange(Int32, Int32) Selects multiple items, while preserving the current selection (if any).
ShowEditor() Activates the focused cell’s inplace editor.
SortBy(ColumnBase, ColumnSortOrder, Int32) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order, and places the column at the specified position among the sorted columns.
SortBy(ColumnBase, ColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order.
SortBy(ColumnBase) Sorts data by the values of the specified column.
SortBy(String, ColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by the values of the specified column in the specified order.
SortBy(String) Sorts data by the values of the specified column.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UnselectAll() Unselects any selected items within a grid.
UnselectCell(Int32, ColumnBase) Unselects the specified cell.
UnselectCells(Int32, ColumnBase, Int32, ColumnBase) Unselects multiple cells.
UnselectItem(Int32) Unselects the specified row.
UnselectItem(Object) Unselects the specified item.
UpdateTotalSummary() Updates total summaries.
See Also