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ColumnBase Members

Serves as a base for classes that represent data columns.


Name Description
ColumnBase() Initializes a new instance of the ColumnBase class with default settings.


Name Description
ActualAllowGroupingProperty static Identifies the ActualAllowGrouping dependency property.
ActualWidthProperty static Identifies the ActualWidth dependency property.
AllowAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowAutoFilter dependency property.
AllowedAnyOfFiltersProperty static Identifies the AllowedAnyOfFilters dependency property.
AllowedBetweenFiltersProperty static Identifies the AllowedBetweenFilters dependency property.
AllowedBinaryFiltersProperty static Identifies the AllowedBinaryFilters dependency property.
AllowedDateTimeFiltersProperty static Identifies the AllowedDateTimeFilters dependency property.
AllowEditingProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowEditing dependency property.
AllowedUnaryFiltersProperty static Identifies the AllowedUnaryFilters dependency property.
AllowFilteringProperty static Identifies the AllowFiltering dependency property.
AllowFocusProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowFocus dependency property.
AllowGroupingProperty static Identifies the AllowGrouping dependency property.
AllowMovingProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowMoving dependency property.
AllowPrintProperty static Identifies the AllowPrint dependency property.
AllowResizingProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowResizing dependency property.
AllowSearchPanelProperty static Identifies the AllowSearchPanel dependency property.
AllowSortingProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AllowSorting dependency property.
AutoFilterConditionProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AutoFilterCondition dependency property.
AutoFilterCriteriaProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AutoFilterCriteria dependency property.
AutoFilterValueProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.AutoFilterValue dependency property.
CellHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the CellHorizontalContentAlignment dependency property.
CellStyleSettingsProperty static Identifies the CellStyleSettings dependency property.
CellToolTipTemplateProperty static Identifies the CellToolTipTemplate dependency property.
CellVerticalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the CellVerticalContentAlignment dependency property.
ColumnChooserHeaderCaptionProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ColumnChooserHeaderCaption dependency property.
ColumnFilterModeProperty static Identifies the ColumnFilterMode dependency property.
CustomColumnFilterPopupTemplateProperty static Identifies the CustomColumnFilterPopupTemplate dependency property.
FieldNameProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.FieldName dependency property.
FilterPopupGroupFieldsProperty static Identifies the FilterPopupGroupFields dependency property.
FilterPopupModeProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.FilterPopupMode dependency property.
FixedWidthProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.FixedWidth dependency property.
GroupColumnSummaryItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the GroupColumnSummaryItemTemplate dependency property.
GroupIndexProperty static Identifies the GroupIndex dependency property.
GroupIntervalProperty static Identifies the GroupInterval dependency property.
HeaderHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HeaderHorizontalContentAlignment dependency property.
HeaderProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.Header dependency property.
HeaderStyleProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.HeaderStyle dependency property.
HeaderTemplateProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.HeaderTemplate dependency property.
HeaderTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.HeaderTemplateSelector dependency property.
HeaderToolTipProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.HeaderToolTip dependency property.
HeaderToolTipTemplateProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.HeaderToolTipTemplate dependency property.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilterProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter dependency property.
ImmediateUpdateColumnFilterProperty static Identifies the ImmediateUpdateColumnFilter dependency property.
IsGroupedProperty static Identifies the IsGrouped dependency property.
IsSortingBySummaryAllowedProperty static Identifies the IsSortingBySummaryAllowed dependency property.
MaxWidthProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.MaxWidth dependency property.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.MinWidth dependency property.
PrintCellStyleProperty static Identifies the PrintCellStyle dependency property.
RoundDateDisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the RoundDateDisplayFormat dependency property.
RoundDateTimeForColumnFilterProperty static Identifies the RoundDateTimeForColumnFilter dependency property.
ShowAllTableValuesInFilterPopupProperty static Identifies the ShowAllTableValuesInFilterPopup dependency property.
ShowCriteriaInAutoFilterRowProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ShowCriteriaInAutoFilterRow dependency property.
ShowEmptyDateFilterProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ShowEmptyDateFilter dependency property.
ShowInColumnChooserProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ShowInColumnChooser dependency property.
ShowValidationAttributeErrorsProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.ShowValidationAttributeErrors dependency property.
SortIndexProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.SortIndex dependency property.
SortModeProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.SortMode dependency property.
SortOrderProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.SortOrder dependency property.
TabStopProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.TabStop dependency property.
TotalSummaryContentStyleProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.TotalSummaryContentStyle dependency property.
UnboundExpressionProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.UnboundExpression dependency property.
UnboundTypeProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.UnboundType dependency property.
VisibleIndexProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.VisibleIndex dependency property.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.Visible dependency property.
WidthProperty static Identifies the ColumnBase.Width dependency property.


Name Description
ActualAllowGrouping Gets whether users can group data by this column. This is a dependency property.
ActualWidth Gets the column’s actual width. This is a dependency property.
AllowAutoFilter Gets or sets whether a user can use the automatic filter row to filter data by the column’s values. This is a dependency property.
AllowedAnyOfFilters Gets or sets any of filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedBetweenFilters Gets or sets between filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedBinaryFilters Gets or sets binary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowedDateTimeFilters Gets or sets date-time filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowEditing Gets or sets whether users can edit column values. This is a dependency property.
AllowedUnaryFilters Gets or sets unary filters that the GridControl‘s column supports.
AllowFiltering Gets or sets whether users can filter data by this column. This is a dependency property.
AllowFocus Gets or sets whether the column cells can be focused. This is a dependency property.
AllowGrouping Gets or sets whether users can group data by this column. This is a dependency property.
AllowMoving Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to move this column by dragging its header. This is a dependency property.
AllowPrint Gets or sets whether to display the column in the printed/exported document. This is a dependency property.
AllowResizing Gets or sets whether users can resize this column. This is a dependency property.
AllowSearchPanel Gets or sets whether the column’s values are taken into account when users search data. This is a dependency property.
AllowSorting Gets or sets whether users can sort data by the column’s values. This is a dependency property.
AutoFilterCondition Gets or sets the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions for the current column using the Auto Filter Row. This is a dependency property.
AutoFilterCriteria Gets or sets the type of the filter criteria used to filter the grid data. This is a dependency property.
AutoFilterValue Gets or sets the value in the Automatic Filter Row for this column.
CellHorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the cell content’s horizontal alignment. This is a dependency property.
CellStyleSettings Gets or sets style settings applied to a column’s cells.
CellToolTipTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the appearance of cell tooltips. This is a dependency property.
CellVerticalContentAlignment Gets or sets the cell content’s vertical alignment. This is a dependency property.
ColumnChooserHeaderCaption Gets or sets the caption of the Column Chooser. This is a dependency property.
ColumnFilterMode Gets or sets how column values are filtered. This is a dependency property.
Commands Provides access to column commands.
CustomColumnFilterPopupTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the appearance of the column’s drop-down filter. This is a dependency property.
FieldName Gets the name of the database field assigned to this column. This is a dependency property.
FilterPopupGroupFields Gets or sets field names of the values that are grouped in the Excel-style drop-down filter.
FilterPopupMode Gets or sets the display mode of the column’s drop-down filter. This is a dependency property.
FixedWidth Gets or sets whether the column’s width remains the same when the auto column width feature is enabled. This is a dependency property.
GroupColumnSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the appearance of group summary items in this column. This is a dependency property.
GroupIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among grouping columns.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how data rows are grouped when grouping by this column is applied. This is a dependency property.
Header Gets or sets the column header’s contents. This is a dependency property.
HeaderHorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the column header’s content alignment. This is a dependency property.
HeaderStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the column header. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the column header’s presentation. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a column header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
HeaderToolTip Gets or sets the column header tooltip. This is a dependency property.
HeaderToolTipTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the appearance of the column header’s tooltip. This is a dependency property.
ImmediateUpdateAutoFilter Gets or sets whether the column’s filter condition is updated as soon as a user modifies the text within the automatic filter row’s cell. This is a dependency property.
ImmediateUpdateColumnFilter Gets or sets whether the column’s filter condition is updated as soon as a user selects an item within the column’s drop-down filter. This is a dependency property.
IsGrouped Gets whether the grid is grouped by the values of this column. This is a dependency property.
IsSortingBySummaryAllowed Gets whether a user can sort the GridControl by this column’s group summary values.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the column’s maximum width. This is a dependency property.
MinWidth Gets or sets the column’s minimum width. This is a dependency property.
PrintCellStyle Gets or sets the style applied to cells in a printed document. This is a dependency property.
RoundDateDisplayFormat Gets or sets a format that defines how to display rounded DateTime values.
RoundDateTimeForColumnFilter Gets or sets whether to ignore time values when you use the drop-down filter to filter by DateTime values. This is a dependency property.
ShowAllTableValuesInFilterPopup Gets or sets whether to display all unique column values in the drop-down filter even if they are filtered out. This is a dependency property.
ShowCriteriaInAutoFilterRow Gets or sets whether to display the criteria selector button in the Auto Filter Row. This is a dependency property.
ShowEmptyDateFilter Gets or sets whether the date-time column’s drop-down filter has a filter item used to select records that contain null values. This is a dependency property.
ShowInColumnChooser Gets or sets whether the column’s header is displayed within the Column Chooser. This is a dependency property.
ShowValidationAttributeErrors Gets or sets whether or not error icons are displayed within column cells that fail validation specified by the Data Annotations attribute(s). This is a dependency property.
SortIndex Gets the column’s position among sorted columns.
SortMode Gets or sets how the column’s data is sorted when sorting is applied to it. This is a dependency property.
SortOrder Gets or sets the column’s sort order. This is a dependency property.
TabStop Gets or sets whether the column can be focused via the TAB key. This is a dependency property.
TotalSummaries Gets a list of total summary items displayed in this column. This is a dependency property.
TotalSummaryContentStyle Gets or sets the style of total summary items displayed within the column. This is a dependency property.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for this column if it is not bound to a data source field. This is a dependency property.
UnboundType Gets or sets the data type and binding mode of the column. This is a dependency property.
Visible Gets or sets whether the column is displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property.
VisibleIndex Gets or sets the column’s position among visible columns. This is a dependency property.
Width Gets or sets the column width. This is a dependency property.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
Validate Enables you to validate the active editor’s value.
See Also