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CellStyleSettings Properties

Contains style settings that specify cell appearance.
Name Description
Background Gets or sets a brush that paints a cell’s background.
FocusedBackground Gets or sets a brush that paints the focused cell’s background.
FocusedForeground Gets or sets a brush that paints the focused cell’s foreground.
FocusedRowBackground For internal use.
FocusedRowForeground For internal use.
FocusedSelectedBackground Gets or sets a brush that paints a cell’s background when this cell is focused and selected at the same time.
FocusedSelectedForeground Gets or sets a brush that paints a cell’s foreground when this cell is focused and selected at the same time.
FontFamily Gets or sets a cell’s font family.
FontSize Gets or sets a cell’s font size.
FontStretch Gets or sets a cell’s font stretch.
FontStyle Gets or sets a cell’s font style.
FontWeight Gets or sets a cell’s font weight.
Foreground Gets or sets a brush that paints a row’s foreground.
Padding Gets or sets the space between the cell’s borders and its contents.
SelectedBackground Gets or sets a brush that paints the selected cell’s background.
SelectedForeground Gets or sets a brush that paints the selected cell’s foreground.
SelectedRowBackground For internal use.
SelectedRowForeground For internal use.
ValidationCriticalImage Gets or sets a cell validation image for which ErrorType is Critical.
ValidationInformationImage Gets or sets a cell validation image for which ErrorType is Information.
ValidationWarningImage Gets or sets a cell validation image for which ErrorType is Warning.
See Also