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DataControlBase.BeginDataUpdate() Method

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Prevents visual and internal data updates until the DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate method is called.

Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Grid.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls


public void BeginDataUpdate()


To prevent internal data updates, use the BeginDataUpdate and DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate methods. This allows you to improve the control’s performance when sorting by a column, adding, deleting, or modifying records at the data source level, etc.

If the code that performs a sequence of any of these operations is wrapped with the BeginDataUpdate and DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate methods, the grid performs only a single data update, reflecting all changes made, after the DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate method is called.


If a data source is modified from another thread (e.g. using Parallel.ForEach), changes made should be enclosed within the BeginDataUpdate and DataControlBase.EndDataUpdate method calls. Otherwise, the grid correctly processes these changes and an exception will be thrown.

See Also