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PivotGridCommands Members

Provides access to pivot grid commands.


Name Description
AddFormatCondition static Adds a format condition to the format condition collection.
ChangeFieldSortOrder static Toggles the specified field’s sort order.
ChangeFieldValueExpanded static Toggles the specified field value‘s expanded state.
ClearFormatConditionsFromAllMeasures static Clear format conditions from all measures.
ClearFormatConditionsFromIntersection static Clear format conditions from the specified intersection of row and column fields.
ClearFormatConditionsFromMeasure static Clear format conditions from the specified measure.
ClearSorting static Disables sorting in OLAP mode.
CollapseField static Collapses all the rows/columns which correspond to the specified column field or row field.
ExpandField static Expands all the rows/columns which correspond to the specified column field or row field.
HideField static Hides the specified field.
HideFieldList static Hides the Field List.
HideFilterEditor static Hides the Filter Editor.
ReloadData static Reloads data from the control’s data source and recalculates summaries.
ResetFilterCriteria static Resets the Filter Editor settings to their default values.
ShowAboveAverageFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Above Average’ format condition dialog.
ShowADateOccurringFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘A Date Occuring’ format condition dialog.
ShowBelowAverageFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Below Average’ format condition dialog.
ShowBetweenFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Between’ format condition dialog.
ShowBottom10ItemsFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Bottom 10 Items’ format condition dialog.
ShowBottom10PercentFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Bottom 10%’ format condition dialog.
ShowConditionalFormattingManager static Invokes the ‘Conditional Formatting Rules Manager’ dialog.
ShowCustomConditionFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Custom Condition’ format condition dialog.
ShowEqualToFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Equal To’ format condition dialog.
ShowExpressionEditor static
ShowFieldList static Shows the Field List.
ShowFilterEditor static Shows the Filter Editor.
ShowGreaterThanFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Greater Than’ format condition dialog.
ShowLessThanFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Less Than’ format condition dialog.
ShowPrintPreview static Creates the print document from the PivotGridControl and displays the Print Preview of the document.
ShowPrintPreviewDialog static Creates the print document from the PivotGridControl and displays the modal Print Preview of the document.
ShowTextThatContainsFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Text That Contains’ format condition dialog.
ShowTop10ItemsFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Top 10 Items’ format condition dialog.
ShowTop10PercentFormatConditionDialog static Invokes the ‘Top 10%’ format condition dialog.
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor static Shows the Expression Editor.
SortAscending static In OLAP mode, sorts values of the specified field in ascending order.
SortDescending static In OLAP mode, sorts values of the specified field in descending order.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also