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SecondaryAxisX2D Fields

A secondary X-axis in the Chart Control’s Cartesian Diagram.
Name Description
ActualGridLinesLineStyleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.ActualGridLinesLineStyle dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
ActualGridLinesMinorLineStyleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.ActualGridLinesMinorLineStyle dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
ActualHeightProperty static Identifies the ActualHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ActualWidthProperty static Identifies the ActualWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
AlignmentProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Alignment dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
AllowDropProperty static Identifies the AllowDrop dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesCapturedProperty static Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithinProperty static Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOverProperty static Identifies the AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesOverProperty static Identifies the AreAnyTouchesOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AutoScaleBreaksProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.AutoScaleBreaks dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
BackgroundProperty static Identifies the Background dependency property. Inherited from Control.
BindingGroupProperty static Identifies the BindingGroup dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
BitmapEffectInputProperty static Identifies the BitmapEffectInput dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
BitmapEffectProperty static Identifies the BitmapEffect dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
BorderBrushProperty static Identifies the BorderBrush dependency property. Inherited from Control.
BorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the BorderThickness dependency property. Inherited from Control.
BrushProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Brush dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CacheModeProperty static Identifies the CacheMode dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ClipProperty static Identifies the Clip dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ClipToBoundsProperty static Identifies the ClipToBounds dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ConstantLineBehindItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineBehindItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLineBehindItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineBehindItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLineBehindItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineBehindItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLineInFrontItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineInFrontItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLineInFrontItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineInFrontItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLineInFrontItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLineInFrontItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLinesBehindProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLinesBehind dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLinesInFrontProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ConstantLinesInFront dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ContextMenuClosingEvent static Identifies the ContextMenuClosing routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ContextMenuOpeningEvent static Identifies the ContextMenuOpening routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ContextMenuProperty static Identifies the ContextMenu dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
CrosshairAxisLabelOptionsProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CrosshairAxisLabelOptions dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairLabelPatternProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis2D.CrosshairLabelPattern dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairLabelTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CrosshairLabelTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairLabelVisibilityProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis2D.CrosshairLabelVisibility dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CursorProperty static Identifies the Cursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
CustomLabelItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CustomLabelItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CustomLabelItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CustomLabelItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CustomLabelItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CustomLabelItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
CustomLabelsProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.CustomLabels dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
DataContextProperty static Identifies the DataContext dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
DateTimeGridAlignmentProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis.DateTimeGridAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
DateTimeMeasureUnitProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis.DateTimeMeasureUnit dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
DateTimeOptionsProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis.DateTimeOptions dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
DateTimeScaleOptionsProperty static Identifies the AxisX2D.DateTimeScaleOptions dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
DefaultStyleKeyProperty protected static Identifies the DefaultStyleKey dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
DragEnterEvent static Identifies the DragEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
DragLeaveEvent static Identifies the DragLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
DragOverEvent static Identifies the DragOver routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
DropEvent static Identifies the Drop routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
EffectProperty static Identifies the Effect dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
FlowDirectionProperty static Identifies the FlowDirection dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
FocusableProperty static Identifies the Focusable dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
FocusVisualStyleProperty static Identifies the FocusVisualStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
FontFamilyProperty static Identifies the FontFamily dependency property. Inherited from Control.
FontSizeProperty static Identifies the FontSize dependency property. Inherited from Control.
FontStretchProperty static Identifies the FontStretch dependency property. Inherited from Control.
FontStyleProperty static Identifies the FontStyle dependency property. Inherited from Control.
FontWeightProperty static Identifies the FontWeight dependency property. Inherited from Control.
ForceCursorProperty static Identifies the ForceCursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ForegroundProperty static Identifies the Foreground dependency property. Inherited from Control.
GiveFeedbackEvent static Identifies the GiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GotFocusEvent static Identifies the GotFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GotKeyboardFocusEvent static Identifies the GotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GotMouseCaptureEvent static Identifies the GotMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GotStylusCaptureEvent static Identifies the GotStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GotTouchCaptureEvent static Identifies the GotTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
GridLinesBrushProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesBrush dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLinesLineStyleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesLineStyle dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLinesMinorBrushProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesMinorBrush dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLinesMinorLineStyleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesMinorLineStyle dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLinesMinorVisibleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesMinorVisible dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLinesVisibleProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.GridLinesVisible dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridSpacingProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis.GridSpacing dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
HeightProperty static Identifies the Height dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
HorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HorizontalAlignment dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the HorizontalContentAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Control.
InputScopeProperty static Identifies the InputScope dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
InterlacedBrushProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.InterlacedBrush dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
InterlacedProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.Interlaced dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
IsEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsEnabled dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsFocusedProperty static Identifies the IsFocused dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsHitTestVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsHitTestVisible dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsKeyboardFocusedProperty static Identifies the IsKeyboardFocused dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsKeyboardFocusWithinProperty static Identifies the IsKeyboardFocusWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsManipulationEnabledProperty static Identifies the IsManipulationEnabled dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseCapturedProperty static Identifies the IsMouseCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty static Identifies the IsMouseCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseDirectlyOverProperty static Identifies the IsMouseDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseOverProperty static Identifies the IsMouseOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusCapturedProperty static Identifies the IsStylusCaptured dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusCaptureWithinProperty static Identifies the IsStylusCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusDirectlyOverProperty static Identifies the IsStylusDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusOverProperty static Identifies the IsStylusOver dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsTabStopProperty static Identifies the IsTabStop dependency property. Inherited from Control.
IsVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsVisible dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
KeyDownEvent static Identifies the KeyDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
KeyUpEvent static Identifies the KeyUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
LabelAlignmentProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.LabelAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
LabelPositionProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.LabelPosition dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
LabelProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.Label dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
LabelVisibilityModeProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.LabelVisibilityMode dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
LanguageProperty static Identifies the Language dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
LayoutTransformProperty static Identifies the LayoutTransform dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
LoadedEvent static Identifies the Loaded routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
LogarithmicBaseProperty static Identifies the Axis.LogarithmicBase dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
LogarithmicProperty static Identifies the Axis.Logarithmic dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
LostFocusEvent static Identifies the LostFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
LostKeyboardFocusEvent static Identifies the LostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
LostMouseCaptureEvent static Identifies the LostMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
LostStylusCaptureEvent static Identifies the LostStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
LostTouchCaptureEvent static Identifies the LostTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEvent static Identifies the ManipulationBoundaryFeedback event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationCompletedEvent static Identifies the ManipulationCompleted routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationDeltaEvent static Identifies the ManipulationDelta routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationInertiaStartingEvent static Identifies the ManipulationInertiaStarting routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationStartedEvent static Identifies the ManipulationStarted routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ManipulationStartingEvent static Identifies the ManipulationStarting routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MarginProperty static Identifies the Margin dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MaxHeightProperty static Identifies the MaxHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MaxWidthProperty static Identifies the MaxWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MinHeightProperty static Identifies the MinHeight dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MinorCountProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.MinorCount dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
MinWidthProperty static Identifies the MinWidth dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MouseDoubleClickEvent static Identifies the MouseDoubleClick routed event. Inherited from Control.
MouseDownEvent static Identifies the MouseDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseEnterEvent static Identifies the MouseEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseLeaveEvent static Identifies the MouseLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseLeftButtonDownEvent static Identifies the MouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseLeftButtonUpEvent static Identifies the MouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseMoveEvent static Identifies the MouseMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseRightButtonDownEvent static Identifies the MouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseRightButtonUpEvent static Identifies the MouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseUpEvent static Identifies the MouseUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
MouseWheelEvent static Identifies the MouseWheel routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
NameProperty static Identifies the Name dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
NumericOptionsProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the AxisBase.NumericOptions dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
NumericScaleOptionsProperty static Identifies the AxisX2D.NumericScaleOptions dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
OpacityMaskProperty static Identifies the OpacityMask dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
OpacityProperty static Identifies the Opacity dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
OverridesDefaultStyleProperty static Identifies the OverridesDefaultStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
PaddingProperty static Identifies the Padding dependency property. Inherited from Control.
PreviewDragEnterEvent static Identifies the PreviewDragEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewDragLeaveEvent static Identifies the PreviewDragLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewDragOverEvent static Identifies the PreviewDragOver routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewDropEvent static Identifies the PreviewDrop routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent static Identifies the PreviewGiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent static Identifies the PreviewGotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewKeyDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewKeyDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewKeyUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewKeyUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent static Identifies the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseDoubleClick routed event. Inherited from Control.
PreviewMouseDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseMoveEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewMouseWheelEvent static Identifies the PreviewMouseWheel routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent static Identifies the PreviewQueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusInRangeEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusInRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusMoveEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewStylusUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewStylusUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewTextInputEvent static Identifies the PreviewTextInput routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewTouchDownEvent static Identifies the PreviewTouchDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewTouchMoveEvent static Identifies the PreviewTouchMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
PreviewTouchUpEvent static Identifies the PreviewTouchUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
QualitativeScaleComparerProperty static Identifies the AxisBase.QualitativeScaleComparer dependency property. Inherited from AxisBase.
QualitativeScaleOptionsProperty static Identifies the ChartControl.Legend dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
QueryContinueDragEvent static Identifies the QueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
QueryCursorEvent static Identifies the QueryCursor routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
RangeProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis.Range dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
RenderTransformOriginProperty static Identifies the RenderTransformOrigin dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
RenderTransformProperty static Identifies the RenderTransform dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
RequestBringIntoViewEvent static Identifies the RequestBringIntoView routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ResolveOverlappingOptionsProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ResolveOverlappingOptions dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ReverseProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Reverse dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreakBrushProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreakBrush dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreakItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreakItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreakItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreakItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreakItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreakItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreakOptionsProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreakOptions dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScaleBreaksProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.ScaleBreaks dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
ScrollingRangeProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the Axis2D.ScrollingRange dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
SizeChangedEvent static Identifies the SizeChanged routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
SnapsToDevicePixelsProperty static Identifies the SnapsToDevicePixels dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
StickToEdgeProperty static Identifies the AxisX2D.StickToEdge dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
StickToEndProperty static Obsolete. Identifies the AxisX2D.StickToEnd dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
StripItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.StripItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
StripItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.StripItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
StripItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.StripItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
StripsProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Strips dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
StyleProperty static Identifies the Style dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
StylusButtonDownEvent static Identifies the StylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusButtonUpEvent static Identifies the StylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusDownEvent static Identifies the StylusDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusEnterEvent static Identifies the StylusEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusInAirMoveEvent static Identifies the StylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusInRangeEvent static Identifies the StylusInRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusLeaveEvent static Identifies the StylusLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusMoveEvent static Identifies the StylusMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusOutOfRangeEvent static Identifies the StylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusSystemGestureEvent static Identifies the StylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
StylusUpEvent static Identifies the StylusUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
TabIndexProperty static Identifies the TabIndex dependency property. Inherited from Control.
TagProperty static Identifies the Tag dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
TemplateProperty static Identifies the Template dependency property. Inherited from Control.
TextInputEvent static Identifies the TextInput routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
ThicknessProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Thickness dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksCrossAxisProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksCrossAxis dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksLengthProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksLength dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksMinorLengthProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksMinorLength dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksMinorThicknessProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksMinorThickness dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksMinorVisibleProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksMinorVisible dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksThicknessProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksThickness dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TickmarksVisibleProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TickmarksVisible dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TimeSpanScaleOptionsProperty static Identifies the AxisX2D.TimeSpanScaleOptions dependency property. Inherited from AxisX2D.
TitlePositionProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.TitlePosition dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
TitleProperty static Identifies the Axis.Title dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
ToolTipClosingEvent static Identifies the ToolTipClosing routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ToolTipOpeningEvent static Identifies the ToolTipOpening routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ToolTipProperty static Identifies the ToolTip dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
TouchDownEvent static Identifies the TouchDown routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchEnterEvent static Identifies the TouchEnter routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchLeaveEvent static Identifies the TouchLeave routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchMoveEvent static Identifies the TouchMove routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchUpEvent static Identifies the TouchUp routed event. Inherited from UIElement.
UidProperty static Identifies the Uid dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
UnloadedEvent static Identifies the Unloaded routed event. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
UseLayoutRoundingProperty static Identifies the UseLayoutRounding dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
VerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the VerticalAlignment dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
VerticalContentAlignmentProperty static Identifies the VerticalContentAlignment dependency property. Inherited from Control.
VisibilityInPaneItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.VisibilityInPaneItemsSource dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibilityInPaneItemTemplateProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.VisibilityInPaneItemTemplate dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibilityInPaneItemTemplateSelectorProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.VisibilityInPaneItemTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibilityInPanesProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibilityProperty static Identifies the Visibility dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.Visible dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisualRangeProperty static Identifies the Axis2D.VisualRange dependency property. Inherited from Axis2D.
WholeRangeProperty static Identifies the Axis.WholeRange dependency property. Inherited from Axis.
WidthProperty static Identifies the Width dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
See Also